2022 BSc Biochemistry, minor in Chemistry, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
Temporal and spatial distribution of microplastics on the west coast of Scotland
For the past 10 years, Marine Directorate has conducted microplastic surveys in Scottish waters, determining five major hotspots in the West Highlands, Argyll, Clyde, Solway, and Forth & Tay regions. However, a general trend assessment has yet to be conducted due to discrepancies in the data collection. My project is building off the recent work of Marie Russell and Lynda Webster as I aim to identify the types of microplastics found in these regions and their spatiotemporal distribution.
Professor Bhavani Narayanaswamy (DoS; SAMS-UHI)
Dr. Geslaine Gonçalves (SAMS-UHI)
Marie Russell (previously with Marine Directorate)
Lynda Webster (Marine Directorate)
Start date: October 2024