SAMS news room

Scientists meet at SAMS to help shape future of Scottish research

SAMS’ Professor Mark Inall will welcome 80 delegates to Oban next week as he hosts his first annual meeting as director of the Scottish Alliance for Geoscience, Environment and Society (SAGES) research network.

Professor Inall is expected to tell delegates that SAGES should work closely with other public and private organisations in order to share knowledge in an ever-changing research environment.

SAGES pools world-leading expertise in geoscience and environmental science from across Scotland’s research base, creating a multi-disciplinary alliance at the forefront of earth and environmental research.

The partnership includes the universities of Aberdeen, Abertay, Dundee, Edinburgh, Glasgow, St Andrews, Stirling, SAMS UHI, SUERC, and the West of Scotland.

Professor Inall (pictured right), principal investigator in physical oceanography at SAMS, said: “The two pillars of research and education are absolutely key to the organisation.

“However, there is room for growth within SAGES and I am keen to strengthen the third pillar of the organisation: the sharing of knowledge with other public, private, governmental and regulatory bodies.”

Key topics being discussed during the two-day event starting on Monday, August 22 include terrestrial carbon; oceans and climate; the research funding landscape; and innovation.

Another SAMS researcher, Dr John Howe, who was recently appointed head of the SAGES Graduate School, will chair a session on recent research highlights and future plans for the school.

Dr Howe (pictured left), senior lecturer in marine geology, said: “I am looking forward to meeting the delegates and getting their views on my plans for the SAGES Graduate School.

“It is also very pleasing to host the event at SAMS this year and that two of the institute’s number are in the positions of director and head of the graduate school.

“SAMS is an outward-facing organisation that has always encouraged partnership development and the sharing of knowledge for a wider benefit. I am hopeful that this meeting will help SAGES take great strides in that regard.”

Other research talks will be given by: Dr Marie Porter, SAMS - Glider observations of enhanced deep water upwelling at a shelf break canyon; Dr Daniel Gilmour, Abertay; Dr Christian Schroeder, Stirling – ‘The Biogeochemical iron cycle – towards a more mineralogical view’; Dr Larissa Naylor, Glasgow – ‘Applying biogeomorphology science through the Green Infrastructure policy lens’; Prof Rob Ellam, SUERC; Lizzie Dingle (University of Edinburgh) - ‘Where does all the gravel go? Abrasion-set limits on Himalayan bedload flux’; Neil Fraser (SAMS) - ‘Circulation in Isfjorden using Slocum gliders’; Charlotte Slaymark (University of Glasgow) - ‘Biomarkers in 2 parts: The taphonomy of lipid biomarkers and temperature proxies for the glacial-interglacial transition in the UK’; Damon Davies (University of Edinburgh) - ‘Constraints on ice-marginal processes from sub-ice-shelf AUV surveys: the Pine Island Glacier System, Antarctica’.

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