Professor Paul Tett

        Head and shoulder photo of Professor Paul Tett in the office

Reader in Coastal Ecosystems

A biological oceanographer studying and numerically modelling phytoplankton in relation to marine physical processes, with applications to eutrophication and the health of marine ecosystems, and now the Research Area leader of the Laurence Mee Centre for Society and the Sea.

Link to my PURE web profile for the University of the Highlands and Islands...

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Research interests

Phytoplankton ecology including eutrophication and tools for MSFD monitoring

Sustainability of coastal social-ecological systems


Current projects

Ecosystem Approach to Making Space for Aquaculture (AquaSpace): Coordinator (since 2017). Funded by EU H2020. March 2015-Feb 2018

GENetic diversity exploitation for Innovative Macro-ALGal biorefinery (Genialg): Funded by EU2020. Jan 2017-Dec 2020.


Highlight past projects

Science and Policy Integration for Coastal System Assessment (SPICOSA). Funded by EU 6th Framework. 2007-11 More...


Publications to download

Plankton Index Guide 2016 (Guide to the PLANKTON INDEX method and software, v.3.992, Matlab)

Plankton Index Beta

Peer-reviewed journal publications

Tett, P. B. (1969). The e ffects of temperature upon the flash-stimulated luminescence of the euphausiid Thysanoessa raschi. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 49, 245-258.

Tett, P. B. (1971). The relation between dinoflagellates and the bioluminescence of sea water. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 51, 183-206.

Tett, P. B. (1972). An annual cycle of flash induced luminescence in the euphausiid Thysanoessa raschii. Marine Biology, 12, 207-218.

Gage, J. & P. B. Tett (1973). The use of log-normal statistics to describe the benthos of Lochs Etive and Creran. Journal of Animal Ecology, 42, 373-382.

Tett, P. (1973). The use of log-normal statistics to describe phytoplankton populations from the Firth of Lorne area. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 11, 121-136.

Tett, P. B. & M. G. Kelly (1973). Marine Bioluminescence. Oceanography and Marine Biology, an Annual Review, 11, 89-173.

Wood, B. J. B., P. B. Tett & A. Edwards (1973). An introduction to the phytoplankton, primary production and relevant hydrography of Loch Etive. Journal of Ecology, 61, 569-585.

Trew, D. O., B. J. B. Wood & P. B. Tett (1974). An isotope dilution method for the determination of dissolved carbon dioxide. Experientia, 30, 970-971.

Tett, P., J. C. Cottrell, D. O. Trew & B. J. B. Wood (1975). Phosphorus quota and the chlorophyll:carbon ratio in marine phytoplankton. Limnology and Oceanography, 20, 587-603.

Tett, P., M. G. Kelly & G. M. Hornberger (1975). A method for the spectrophotometric measurement of chlorophyll a and phaeophytin a in benthic microalgae. Limnology and Oceanography, 20, 887-896.

Tett, P. and L. Ignatiades (1976). Preliminary phytoplankton investigations in Western Saronicos gulf, and an assesment of log-normal diversity during late autumn 1972. Rapports de la Commission internationale pour la Mer Mediterrane, 23, 99-101.

Tett, P., M. G. Kelly & G. M. Hornberger (1977). Estimation of chlorophyll a and pheophytin a in methanol. Limnology and Oceanography, 22, 579-580.

Jones, K. J., P. Tett, A. C. Wallis and B. J. B. Wood (1978). The use of small, continuous and multispecies cultures to investigate the ecology of phytoplankton in a Scottish sea-loch. Mitteilungen - Internationale Vereinigung für theoretische und angewandte Limnologie, 21, 398-412.

Jones, K. J., P. Tett, A. C. Wallis & B. J. B. Wood (1978). Investigation of a nutrient-growth model using a continuous culture of natural phytoplankton. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 58, 923-941.

Tett, P., C. Gallegos, M. G. Kelly, G. M. Hornberger & B. J. Cosby (1978). Relationships among substrate, flow, and benthic microalgal pigment density in the Mechums River, Virginia. Limnology and Oceanography, 23, 785-797.

Tett, P. & A. Wallis (1978). The general annual cycle of chlorophyll standing crop in Loch Creran. Journal of Ecology, 66, 227-239.

Lederman, T. C. & P. Tett (1981). Problems in modelling the photosynthesis-light relationship for phytoplankton. Botanica Marina, 24, 125-134.

Simpson, J. H., D. J. Edelsten, A. Edwards, N. G. C. Morris & P. B. Tett (1979). The Islay Front: physical structure and phytoplankton distribution. Estuarine and Coastal Marine Science, 9, 713-726.

Tett, P. (1981). Modelling phytoplankton production at shelf-sea fronts. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, A302, 605-615.

Gowen, R. J., P. Tett & B. J. B. Wood (1982). The problem of degradation pigments in the estimation of chlorophyll by
fluorescence. Archiv für Hydrobiologie, Ergebnisse der Limnologie, 16, 101-106.

Jones, K. J., P. Ayres, A. M. Bullock, R. J. Roberts & P. Tett (1982). A red tide of Gyrodinium aureolum in sea lochs of the Firth of Clyde and associated mortality of pond-reared salmon. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 62, 771-782.

Simpson, J. H., P. B. Tett, M. L. Argote-Espinoza, A. Edwards, K. J. Jones & G. Savidge (1982). Mixing and phytoplankton growth around an island in a strati ed sea. Continental Shelf Research, 1, 15-31.

Tett, P. (1981). The Loch Eil project: planktonic pigments in sediments from Loch Eil and the Firth of Lorne. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 56, 101-114.

Gowen, R. J., P. Tett and K. J. Jones (1983). The hydrography and phytoplankton ecology of Loch Ardbhair: a small sea-loch on the west coast of Scotland. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 71, 1-16.

Gowen, R. J., P. Tett & B. J. B. Wood (1983). Changes in the major dihydroporphyrin plankton pigments during the spring bloom of phytoplankton in two Scottish sea-lochs. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 63, 27-36.

Roberts, R. J., A. M. Bullock, M. Turner, K. Jones & P. Tett (1983). Mortalities of Salmo gairdneri exposed to cultures of Gyrodinium aureolum. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 63, 741-743.

Jones, K. J., R. J. Gowen & P. Tett (1984). Water-column structure and summer phytoplankton distribution in the Sound of Jura. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 78, 269-289.

Lewis, J., J. D. Dodge & P. B. Tett (1984). Cyst-theca relationships in some Protoperidinium species from Scottish sea lochs. Journal of Micropalaeontology, 3, 25-34.

Tett, P. & A. Edwards (1984). Mixing and plankton: an interdisciplinary theme in oceanography. Oceanography and Marine Biology, an Annual Review, 22, 99-123.

Tett, P., A. Edwards and K. Jones (1986). A model for the growth of shelf-sea phytoplankton in summer. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 23, 641-672.

Tett, P., S. I. Heaney and M. R. Droop (1985). The Red eld ratio and phytoplankton growth rate. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 65, 487-504.

Tett, P., R. Gowen, B. Grantham, K. Jones and B. S. Miller (1986). The phytoplankton ecology of the Firth of Clyde sea-lochs Striven and Fyne. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, 90B, 223-238.

Tett, P. (1987). The ecophysiology of exceptional blooms. Rapport et Procesverbaux des Reunions, Conseil international pour l'Exploration de la Mer, 187, 47-60.

Tett, P. (1987). Modelling the growth and distribution of marine microplankton. Society for General Microbiology Symposium, 41, 387-425.

Turner, M. F., A. M. Bullock, P. Tett and R. J. Roberts (1987). Toxicity of Gyrodinium aureolum: some initial ndings. Rapport et Proces-verbaux des Reunions, Conseil international pour l'Exploration de la Mer, 187, 98-102.

Tett, P. and D. Mills (1991). The plankton of the North Sea - pelagic ecosystems under stress? Ocean and Shoreline Management, 16, 233-257.

Gowen, R. J., P. Tett and K. J. Jones (1992). Predicting marine eutrophication: the yield of chlorophyll from nitrogen in Scottish coastal phytoplankton. Marine Ecology - Progress Series, 85, 153-161.

Tett, P. (1992). The ecology of plankton in Scottish coastal waters. Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Section B - Biological Sciences, 100, 27-54.

Grantham, B. and P. Tett (1993). The nutrient status of the Clyde Sea in winter. Estuarine, Coastal & Shelf Science, 36, 449-462.

Huthnance, J. M., J. I. Allen, A. M. Davies, D. J. Hydes, I. D. James, J. E. Jones, G. E. Millward, D. Prandle, R. Proctor, D. A. Purdie, P. J. Statham, P. Tett, S. Thomson and R. G. Wood (1993). Towards water quality models. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, A340, 569-584.

Tett, P., I. Joint, D. Purdie, M. Baars, S. Oosterhuis, G. Daneri, F. Hannah, D. K. Mills, D. Plummer, A. Pomroy, A. W. Walne and H. J. Witte (1993). Biological consequences of tidal stirring gradients in the North Sea. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, A343, 493-508.

Fenton, N., J. Priddle and P. Tett (1994). Regional variations in bio-optical properties of the surface waters in the Southern Ocean. Antarctic Science, 6, 443-448.

Mills, D. K., P. Tett and G. Novarino (1994). The Spring Bloom in the south-western North Sea in 1989. Netherlands Journal of Sea Research, 33, 65-80.

Sharples, J. and P. Tett (1994). Modelling the e ect of physical variability on the midwater chlorophyll maximum. Journal of Marine Research, 52, 219-238.

Tett, P. and C. Grenz (1994). Designing a simple microbiological-physical model for a coastal embayment. Vie et Milieu, 44, 39-58.

Tett, P. and E. D. Barton (1995). Why are there about 5000 species of phytoplankton in the sea? Journal of Plankton Research, 17, 1693-1704.

Tett, P. and A. Walne (1995). Observations and simulations of hydrography, nutrients and plankton in the southern North Sea. Ophelia, 42, 371-416.

Aristegui, J., P. Tett, A. Hernandez-Guerra, G. Basterretxea, M. F. Montero, K. Wild, P. Sangra, S. Hernandez-Leon, M. Canton, J. A. Garca-Braun, M. Pacheco and E. D. Barton (1997). The influence of island-generated eddies on chlorophyll distribution: a study of mesoscale variation around Gran Canaria. Deep-Sea Research, 44, 71-96.

Bowers, D. G., P. Tett and A. W. Walne (1997). A note on sea-bed illumination in shallow tidal seas. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 77, 921-928.

Wild-Allen, K. A., P. Tett and D. Bowers (1997). Observations of di ffuse upwelling irradiance and chlorophyll in case 1 waters near the Canary Islands (Spain). Optics and Laser Technology, 29, 3-8.

Barton, E. D., J. Arstegui, P. Tett, M. Canton, J. A. Garca-Braun, S. Hernandez-Leon, L. Nykjaer, C. Almeida, J. Almunia, S. Ballasteros, G. Basterretxea, J. Escanez, J. Garca-Weill, A. Hernandez-Guerra, F. Lopez-Laatzen, R. Molina, M. F. Montero, E. Navarro-Perez, J. M. Rodrguez-Perez, K. van Leening, H. Velez and K. Wild (1998). The transition zone of the
Canary Current upwelling region. Progress in Oceanography, 41, 457-503.

Elliott, J. A., A. E. Irish, C. S. Reynolds and P. Tett (1999). Sensitivity analysis of PROTECH, a new approach in phytoplankton modelling. Hydrobiologia, 414, 45-51.

Bowers, D. G., G. E. L. Harker, P. S. D. Smith and P. Tett (2000). Optical properties of a region of freshwater influence (the Clyde Sea). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 50, 717-726.

Elliott, A. J., A. E. Irish, C. S. Reynolds and P. Tett (2000). Modelling freshwater phytoplankton communities: an exercise in validation. Ecological Modelling, 128, 19-26.

Elliott, J. A., C. S. Reynolds, A. E. Irish and P. Tett (2000). Exploring the potential of the PROTECH model to investigate phytoplankton community theory. Hydrobiologia, 414, 37-43.

Kratzer, S., D. Bowers and P. B. Tett (2000). Seasonal changes in colour ratios and optically active constituents in the optical Case-2 waters of the Menai Strait, North Wales. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 21, 2225-2246.

Smith, C. L. and P. Tett (2000). A depth resolving numerical model of physically forced microbiology at the European shelf edge. Journal of Marine Systems, 26, 1-36.

Tett, P. and H. Wilson (2000). From biogeochemical to ecological models of marine microplankton. Journal of Marine Systems, 25, 431-446.

Basterretxea, G., E. D. Barton, P. Tett, P. Sangra, E. Navarro-Perez and J. Arstigui (2002). Eddy and DCM response to wind-shear in the lee of Gran Canaria. Deep-Sea Research I, 49, 1087-1101.

Bowers, D. G., S. Kratzer, J. R. Morrison, P. S. D. Smith, P. Tett, A. W.Walne and K. Wild-Allen (2001). On the calibration and use of in situ ocean colour measurements for monitoring algal blooms. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 22, 359-368.

Lee, J.-Y., P. Tett, K. Jones, S. Jones, P. Luyten, C. Smith and K. Wild-Allen (2002). The PROWQM physical-biological model with benthic-pelagic coupling applied to the northern North Sea. Journal of Sea Research, 48, 287-331.

Soetaert, K., P. M. J. Herman, J. J. Middelburg, C. Heip, C. L. Smith, P. Tett and K. Wild-Allen (2001). Numerical modelling of the shelf break ecosystem: reproducing benthic and pelagic measurements. Deep-Sea Research Part II Topical Studies In Oceanography, 48, 3141-3177.

Tett, P., J. Arstegui, D. Barton, G. Basterretxea, J. D. DeArmas, J. E. Escanez, S. HernandezLen, L. M. Lorenzo and N. Montero (2002). Steadystate DCM dynamics in Canaries waters. Deep-Sea Research II, 49, 3543-3559.

Tett, P., G. M. Kennaway, D. Boon, D. K. Mills, G. T. O'Connor, A. W. Walne and R. Wilton (2001). Optical monitoring of phytoplankton blooms in Loch Striven, a eutrophic fjord. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 22, 339-358.

Wild-Allen, K., A. Lane and P. Tett (2002). Plankton, sediment and optical observations in Netherlands coastal water in spring. Journal of Sea Research, 47, 303-315.

Edwards, V.R., Tett, P., & Jones, K.J., 2003. Changes in the yield of chlorophyll a from dissolved available inorganic nitrogen after an enrichment event - applications for predicting eutrophication in coastal waters. Continental
Shelf Research, 23, 1771-1785.

Tett, P., Gilpin, L., Svendsen, H., Erlandsson, C.P., Larsson, U., Kratzer, S., Fouilland, E., Janzen, C., Lee, J.-Y., Grenz, C., Newton, A., Ferreira, J.G., Fernandes, T., & Scory, S., 2003. Eutrophication and some European waters of restricted exchange. Continental Shelf Research, 23, 1635-1671.

Lee, J.-Y., Tett, P. & Kim, K.-R., 2003. Parameterising a Microplankton Model. Journal of the Korean Society of Oceanography, 38, 185-210.

Proctor, R., Chen, F. & Tett, P.B, 2003. Carbon and nitrogen fluxes across the Hebridean shelf break, estimated by a 2D coupled physical-microbiological model. The Science of the Total Environment, 314-316, 787-800.

Arstegui, J., Barton, E.D., Tett, P., Montero, M.F., Garca-Muoz, M., Basterretxea, G., Cussatlegras, A.-S., Ojeda, A. & de Armas, D., 2004. Variability in plankton community structure, metabolism, and vertical carbon fluxes along an upwelling fi lament (Cape Juby, NW Africa). Progress in Oceanography, 62, 95-113.

Barton, E.D., Arstegui, J., Tett, P. & Navarro Prez, E., 2004. Variability in the Canary Islands area of lament-eddy exchanges. Progress in Oceanography, 62, 71-94.

Lee, J.-Y., P. Tett & K.-R. Kim. 2004. Biogeochemical Model Comparison in Terms of Microplankton-Detritus (MPD) Parameterisation. Journal of the Korean Society of Oceanography, 39, 136-147.

Tett, P. & Lee, J.-Y. 2005. N:Si ratios and the 'balance of organisms': PROWQM simulations of the northern North Sea. Journal of Sea Research, 54, 70-91.

Laurent, C., Tett, P., Fernandes, T., Gilpin, L. & Jones, K.J. 2006. A dynamic CSTT model for the e ects of added nutrients in Loch Creran, a shallow fjord. Journal of Marine Systems, 61, 149-161.

Fehling, J., Davidson, K., Bolch, C. & Tett, P. (2006) Seasonality of Pseudo-nitzschia spp. (Bacillariophyceae) in western Scottish waters. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 323, 91-105.

Painting, S.J., Devlin, M.J., Malcolm, S.J., Parker, E.R., Mills, D.K., Mills, C., Tett, P., Wither, A., Burt, J., Jones, R. & Winpenny, K. 2007. Assessing the impact of nutrient enrichment in estuaries: susceptibility to eutrophication. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 55, 74-90.

Tett, P., Gowen, R., Mills, D., Fernandes, T., Gilpin, L., Huxham, M., Kennington, K., Read, P., Service, M., Wilkinson, M. & Malcolm, S. 2007. Defi ning and detecting Undesirable Disturbance in the context of Eutrophication. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 55, 282-297.

Devlin, M.J., Mills, D.K., Gowen, R.J., Barry, J., Foden, J., Sivyer, D., & Tett, P. (2008) Relationships between suspended particulate material, light attenuation and Secchi depth in UK marine waters. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 79, 429-439.

Gowen, R.J., Tett, P., Kennington, K., Mills, D.K., Shammon, T.M., Stewart, B.M., Greenwood, N., Flanagan, C., Devlin, M., & Wither, A. 2008. The Irish Sea: is it eutrophic? Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 76, 239-254.

Tett, P., Carreira, C., Mills, D.K., van Leeuwen, S., Foden, J., Bresnan, E., & Gowen, R.J. (2008) Use of the Phytoplankton Community Index to assess the health of coastal waters. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 65, 1475-1482.

Devlin, M.J., Barry, J., Mills, D.K., Gowen, R.J., Foden, J., Sivyer, D., & Tett, P. (2009) Estimating the diff use attenuation coefficient from optically active constituents in UK marine waters. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 82, 73-83.

Kratzer, S. & Tett, P. (2009) Using bio-optics to investigate the extent of coastal waters - a Swedish case study. Hydrobiologia, 629, 169-186.

Brito, A., A. Newton, P. Tett and T. F. Fernandes (2009). Temporal and spatial variability of microphytobenthos in a shallow lagoon: Ria Formosa (Portugal). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 63, 67-76.

Portilla, E., P. Tett, P. A. Gillibrand & M. Inall (2009). Description and sensitivity analysis for the LESV model: water quality variables and the balance of organisms in a fjordic region of restricted exchange. Ecological Modelling, 220, 2187-2205.

Brito, A. C., A. Newton, P. Tett, J. Icely & T. F. Fernandes (2010). The yield of microphytobenthic chlorophyll from nutrients: enriched experiments in microcosms. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 384, 30-43.

Brito, A., A. Newton, P. Tett & T. F. Fernandes (2010). Sediment-water interactions in a coastal shallow lagoon, Ria Formosa (Portugal): Implications for the Water Framework Directive. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 12, 318-328.

Brito, A., A. Newton, P. Tett & T. F. Fernandes (2011). The role of microphytobenthos on shallow coastal lagoons: A modelling approach. Biogeochemistry, 106, 207-228.

Ferreira, J. G., J. H. Andersen, A. Borja, S. B. Bricker, J. Camp, M. Cardosa da Silva, E. Garces, A. S. Heiskanen, C. Humborg, L. Ignatiades, C. Lancelot, A. Menesguen, P. Tett, N. Hoep ner & U. Clausen (2011). Overview of eutrophication indicators to assess environmental status within the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 93, 117-131.

Tett, P., E. Portilla, P. A. Gillibrand & M. Inall (2011). Carrying and assimilative capacities: the ACExR-LESV model for sea-loch aquaculture. Aquaculture Research, 42, 51-67.

Brito, A. C., T. F. Fernandes, A. Newton, C. Facca & P. Tett (2012). Does microphytobenthos resuspension influence phytoplankton in shallow systems? A comparison through a Fourier series analysis. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf
Science, 110, 77-84.

Brito, A. C., A. Newton, P. Tett & T. F. Fernandes (2012). How will shallow coastal lagoons respond to climate change? A modelling investigation. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 112, 98-104.

Brito, A., A. Newton, P. Tett & T. Fernandes (2012). Changes in the yield of microphytobenthic chlorophyll from nitrogen: considering denitri cation. Ecological Indicators, 19, 226-230.

Gowen, R. J., P. Tett, Bresnan E, K. Davidson, A. McKinney, P. J. Harrison, S. Milligan, D. K. Mills, J. Silke & A.-M. Crooks (2012). Anthropogenic nutrient enrichment and blooms of harmful phytoplankton. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review, 50, 65-126.

Gowen, R. J., P. Tett & T. J. Smayda (2012). Phytoplankton and the balance of nature: An opinion. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 113, 317-323.

Swaney, D. P., C. Humborg, K. Emeis, A. Kannen, W. Silvert, P. Tett, R. Pastres, C. Solidoro, M. Yamamuro, Y. Henocque & R. Nicholls (2012). Five critical questions of scale for the coastal zone. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 96, 9-21.

Tett, P., B. Valcic, T. Potts, C. Whyte, F. Culhane & T. Fernandes (2012). Mussels and yachts in Loch Fyne, Scotland: a case study of the science-policy interface. Society and Ecology, 17(3): 16.

Davidson, K., R. J. Gowen, P. Tett, E. Bresnan, P. J. Harrison, A. McKinney, S. Milligan, D. K. Mills, J. Silke & A. M. Crooks (2012). Harmful Algal Blooms: how strong is the evidence that nutrient ratios and forms influence their occurrence? Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 115: 399-413.

Gillibrand, P. A., M. E. Inall, E. Portilla & P. Tett (2013). A box model of the seasonal exchange and mixing in Regions of Restricted Exchange: application to two contrasting Scottish inlets. Environmental Modelling & Software, 43, 144-159.

Tett, P., R. Gowen, S. Painting, M. Elliott, R. Foster, D. Mills, E. Bresnan, E. Capuzzo, T. Fernandes, J. Foden, R. Geider, L. Gilpin, M. Huxham, A. McQuatters-Gollop, S. Malcolm, S. Saux-Picart, T. Platt, M.-F. Racault, S. Sathyendranath, J. vanderMolen & M. Wilkinson (2013). A framework for understanding marine ecosystem health. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 494, 1-27.

Brito, A. C., A. Newton, T. F. Fernandes & P. Tett (2013). Measuring Light Attenuation in Shallow Coastal Systems. Journal of Ecosystem & Ecography, 3(122), 1-4.

O'Higgins, T., P. Tett, A. Farmer, P. Cooper, T. Dolch, J. Friedrich, I., Goulding, A. Hunt, J. Icely, C. Murciano, A. Newton, I. Psuty, P. Raux & E. Roth (2014). Temporal constraints on ecosystem management: Defi nitions and examples from Europe's regional seas. Ecology and Society, 19(4): article 46.

Alexander, K., P. Kershaw, P. Cooper, A. Gilbert, J. Hall-Spencer, J. Heymans, A. Kannen, H. Los, T. O'Higgins, C. O'Mahony, P. Tett, T. Troost & J. v. Beusekom (2015). Challenges of achieving Good Environmental Status in the northeast Atlantic. Ecology and Society, 20 (1): article 49.

Gowen, R., Y. Collos, P. Tett, C. Scherer, B. Bec, E. Abadie, M. Allen & T. O'Brien (2015). The response of diatom and dinoflagellate lifeforms to reduced phosphorus loading: a case study in the Thau Lagoon. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 162: 45-52. doi:10.1016/j.ecss.2015.03.033

van Leeuwen, S. M., P. Tett, D. K. Mills & J. van der Molen (2015). Stratifi ed areas in the North Sea: long-term variability and biological and policy implications. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120. doi:10.1002/2014JC010485

Kenter, J. O., R. Bryce, M. Christie, N. Cooper, N. Hockley, K. N. Irvine, L. O'Brien, I. Fazey, J. Orchard-Webb, N. Ravenscroft, C. M. Raymond, M. S. Reed, P. Tett & V. Watson (2016). Shared values and deliberative valuation: Future directions. Ecosystem Services, 21, 358-371.

Scherer, C., R. Gowen & P. Tett (2016). Assessing the state of the pelagic habitat: a case study of plankton and its environment in the western Irish Sea. Frontiers in Marine Science, 3(article 236), 30.

Stojanovic, T. A., H. McNae, P. Tett, T. A. Potts, J. Reis, H. D. Smith & I. Dillingham (2016). The "social" aspect of social-ecological systems: a critique of analytical frameworks and findings from a multi-site study of coastal sustainability. Ecology & Society, 21(3 (15)).

Tam, J., J. Link, S. Greenstreet, A. Belgrano, ... P. Tett et al. (2017). Towards ecosystem-based management: identifying operational food-web indicators for marine ecosystems. ICES Journal of Marine Science, online,

Whyte, C., K. Davidson, L. Gilpin, E. Mitchell, G. Moschonas, S. McNeill & P. Tett (2017). Tracking changes to a microplankton community in a North Atlantic sea loch using the microplankton index PI(mp). ICES Journal of Marine Science, 74(1): 311-325.

Yue Lei, Callum Whyte, Keith Davidson, Paul Tett and Kedong Yin (2017) A change in phytoplankton community index with water quality improvement in Tolo Harbour, Hong Kong. Marine Pollution Bulletin 

McQuatters-Gollop, A., A. Atkinson, A. Aubert, J. Bedford, M. Best, E. Bresnan, K. Cook, M. Devlin, R. Gowen, D. G. Johns, M. Machairopoulou, A. McKinney, A. Mellor, C. Ostle, C. Scherer & P. Tett (2019). Plankton lifeforms as a biodiversity indicator for regional-scale assessment of pelagic habitats for policy. Ecological Indicators 101: 913-925. doi: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2019.02.010

Bedford J, Ostle C, Johns DG, Atkinson A, Best M, Bresnan E, Machairopoulou M, Graves CA, Devlin M, Milligan A, Pitois S, Mellor A, Tett P, McQuatters-Gallop A (2020) Lifeform indicators reveal large-scale shifts in plankton across the North-West European shelf. Global Change Biology, 2020:00: 1-16. 


Parts of academic books including refereed conference proceedings

Tett, P. (1977). Marine production. In: Environment and Man. J. F. Lenihan and Fletcher, W.W. (eds). Glasgow, Blackie. 5: 1-45.

Kelly, M. G. and P. Tett (1978). Bioluminescence in the ocean. In: Bioluminescence in Action. P. J. Herring (ed). London, Academic Press: 399-417.

Tett, P. and B. Grantham (1980). Variability in sea-loch phytoplankton. In: Fjord Oceanography. D. H. Freeland, D. M. Farmer and C. D. Levings (ed). New York, Plenum: 435-438.

Simpson, J. H. and P. B. Tett (1986). An induced mixing experiment? In: Tidal Mixing and Phytoplankton Dynamics. J. Bowman, M. Yentsch and W. T. Peterson (ed). Berlin, Springer-Verlag: 483-495.

Simpson, J. H. and P. B. Tett (1986). Island stirring e ects on phytoplankton growth. In: Tidal Mixing and Phytoplankton Dynamics. J. Bowman, M. Yentsch and W. T. Peterson (ed). Berlin, Springer-Verlag: 41-76.

Tett, P. (1987). Plankton. In: Biological Survey of Estuaries and Coasts. J. Baker and W. J. Wol (eds), Cambridge University Press: 280-341.

Tett, P. and M. R. Droop (1988). Cell quota models and planktonic primary production. In: Handbook of Laboratory Model Systems for Microbial Ecosystems. J. W. T. Wimpenny (ed). Florida, CRC Press. 2: 177-233.

Tett, P., A. Edwards, B. Grantham, K. Jones and M. Turner (1988). Microplankton dynamics in an enclosed coastal water column in summer. In: Algae and the Aquatic Environment (Contributions in honour of J.W.G.Lund, F.R.S.). F. E. Round (ed). Bristol, U.K., Biopress: 339-368.

Tett, P. (1990). The Photic Zone. In: Light and Life in the Sea. P. J. Herring, A. K. Campbell, M. Whit eld and L. Maddock (eds). Cambridge University Press: 59-87.

Tett, P., G. Jackson, F. Foos, P. Nival, J. Rodriguez and U. Wolf (1993). Modelling particle fluxes. In: G. T. Evans and M. J. R. Fasham (eds), Towards a model of ocean biogeochemical processes. Springer-Verlag. NATO ASI Series, 110, 127-136.

Tett, P., Hydes, D. & Sanders, R. 2003. Influence of nutrient biogeochemistry on the ecology of North-West European shelf seas. In Schimmield, G. and Black, K., eds., `Biogeochemistry of Marine Systems', Sheffield Academic
Press Ltd, Sheffield, pp. 293-363.

Rodhe, J., Tett, P., & Wul , F., 2006. Chapter 26. The Baltic and North seas: a regional review of some important physical-chemical-biological interaction processes. In `The Sea, Volume 14B, The Global Coastal Ocean: Interdisciplinary Regional Studies and Syntheses: The Coasts of Africa, Europe, Middle East, Oceania and Polar Regions' (eds A.R. Robinson & K.H. Brink), pp. 1033-1075. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass.

Tett, P. (2008). Fishfarm wastes in the ecosystem. In Aquaculture in the Ecosystem (eds M. Holmer, K. Black, C.M. Duarte, N. Marb & I. Karakassis), pp. 1-46. Springer.

van de Koppel, J., Tett, P., Naqvi, W., Oguz, T., Perillo, G.M.E., Rabalais, N., d'Alcal, M.R., Jilan, S., & Zhang, J. (2008). Chapter 3: Threshold e ffects in semi-enclosed marine ecosystems. In Watersheds, Bays and Bounded Seas: The Science and Management of Semi-Enclosed Marine Systems (eds E.R. Urban, jr., B. Sundby, P. Malanotte-Rizzoli & J.M. Melillo), pp. 31-47. Island Press, Washington DC.

Davidson, K., P. Tett & R. Gowen. (2011). Harmful Algal Blooms. Pages 95-127 in Hester, R. E. and R. M. Harrison, editor. Marine Pollution and Human Health, Issues in Environmental Science and Technology vol 33. RSC Publishing,

Tett, P., A. Mette, A. Sandberg & D. Bailly (2011). The Systems Approach. In: Sustaining Coastal Zone Systems. P. Tett, A. Sandberg and A. Mette (ed). Edinburgh, Dunedin Academic Press: 53-78.

Tett, P., A. Mette, A. Sandberg, M. Estrada, M. Ribiero dAlcala, T. Hopkins & D. Bailly (2011). Conclusions. In: Sustaining Coastal Zone Systems. P. Tett, A. Sandberg and A. Mette (eds). Edinburgh, Dunedin Academic Press: 137-149.

Tett, P., M. Ribiero dAlcala & M. Estrada (2011). Modelling Coastal Systems. In: Sustaining Coastal Zone Systems. P. Tett, A. Sandberg and A. Mette (ed). Edinburgh, Dunedin Academic Press: 79-102.

Tett, P. & A. Sandberg (2011). Introduction. Chapter 1 in: Sustaining Coastal Zone Systems. P. Tett, A. Sandberg and A. Mette (ed). Edinburgh, Dunedin Academic Press: 1-28.

Tett, P., A. Sandberg, A. Mette, D. Bailly, M. Estrada, T. S. Hopkins, M. Ribera d'Alcala & L. McFadden (2013). Perspectives of Social and Ecological Systems. Chapter 18 in: Global Challenges in Integrated Coastal Zone
Management. E. Mokness, E. Dahl and J. G. Stttrup (eds), Wiley-Blackwell Ltd.: 229-243.

Tett, P. & L. Mee (2015. Scenarios explored with Delphi. Chapter 7 in: Coastal zones ecosystem services: From science to values and decision making, R. K. Turner & M. Schaafsma, eds, Springer, pp. 127-144.

Tett, P., K. Black, R. Brennan, E. Cook & K. Davidson (2015). Sustainable Mariculture at high Latitudes. Chapter 6 in Coastal Zones: Solutions for the 21st Century. J. Baztan, O. Chouinard, B. Jorgensen, P. Tett, J.-P. Vanderlinden & L. Vasseur, eds. Elsevier, pp. 73-81.

Jickells, T., J. Andrews, S. Barnard, P. Tett & S. van Leeuwen (2015). Natural Sciences Modelling in Coastal and Shelf Seas. Chapter 3 in Coastal zones ecosystem services: From science to values and decision making, R. K. Turner & M. Schaafsma, eds. Springer, pp. 41-58.


Edited volumes

Parker, M. and Tett, P. (1987) Special Meeting on the Causes, Dynamics and E ects of Exceptional Marine Blooms and Related Events. Rapport et Proces-verbaux des Reunions, Conseil international pour l'Exploration de la Mer, 187.

Charnock, H., Dyer, K.R., Huthnance, J.M., Liss, P.S., Simpson, J.H. and Tett, P.B. eds. (1993) Understanding the North Sea System. 176 pp. Chapman & Hall, London.

Tett, P., A. Sandberg and A. Mette, Eds. (2011) Sustaining Coastal Zone Systems. Edinburgh, Dunedin Academic Press. 173 pp.

J. Baztan, O. Chouinard, B. Jorgensen, P. Tett, J.-P. Vanderlinden & L. Vasseur , eds. (2015). Coastal Zones: Solutions for the 21st Century. Elsevier.


Reports in the public domain

Turner, J., Tett, P. and Shaw, J. (1978) Plants, Man and Loch Creran. Scottish Marine Biological Association, Oban, 56 pp.

Tett, P. ed. 1980. Phytoplankton and the sh kills in Loch Striven. Scottish Marine Biological Association Internal Reports, Oban, 25, 110 pp.

Tett, P., M. Drysdale and J. Shaw (1981). Phytoplankton in Loch Creran in 1979 and its e ect on the rearing of oyster larvae. Report, pp. Scottish Marine Biological Association.

Ayres, P. A., D. D. Seaton and P. B. Tett (1982). Plankton blooms of economic importance to sheries in UK waters, 1968-82. Report, 12 pp., I.C.E.S., Copenhagen.

Tett, P. 1989. Plankton growth in the North Sea in relation to o shore water fi ltration systems. University College of North Wales, Bangor: UCES report U89-1, 18 pp.

Tett, P. (1990). A three layer vertical and microbiological processes model for shelf seas. Report, 85 pp. Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory.

Tett, P. and T. Sherwin (1992). Estimating the eutrophication potential of Milford Haven. Report, Unit for Coastal and Estuarine Studies, University College of North Wales.

Marine Pollution Monitoring Management Group, 1994. Comprehensive studies for the purposes of article 6 of DIR 91/271 EEC, the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive. Published for the Comprehensive Studies Task Team of
GCSDM by Forth River Puri cation Board, Edinburgh. (Team membership: Halcrow, W., Jack, I.A., Malcolm, S., Milne, R.A., Nicholas, P.C., Rees, H. and Tett, P.).

Tett, P. (1996). RRS Charles Darwin cruise 93. (LOIS Shelf Edge Study (SES) Cruise 2). Leg A: Fairlie to Fairlie, May 6 to 16, 1995. Leg B: Fairlie to Fairlie, May 16 to 30, 1995. Report, 23 pp (+ tables & diagrams) Edinburgh, Napier University.

Comprehensive Studies Task Team (1997). Comprehensive studies for the purposes of articles 6 and 8.5 of DIR 91/271 EEC, the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive, 2nd edition. Report, v+61 pp. Edinburgh, MarinePollution-
MonitoringManagementGroup; Published for the Comprehensive Studies Task Team of GCSDM by DENI, EA, SEPA and WSA.

Tett, P. (1997). RRS Challenger Cruise 126. Leg A: Southampton to Fairlie, April 11 to 26, 1996. Leg B: Fairlie to Fairlie, April 27 to May 12, 1996. (LOIS Shelf Edge Study (SES) Cruise 6). Report, 23 pp (+ tables & diagrams). Edinburgh, Napier University.

Gowen, R.J., Karakassis, I. and Tett, P. 1997. Cage farming of fish and the marine environment in Cyprus. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, 32 pp.

Luyten, P. J., J. E. Jones, R. Proctor, A. Tabor, P. Tett and K. Wild-Allen (1999). COHERENS - a coupled hydrodynamical-ecological model for regional and shelf seas: user documentation. Report, Management Unit of the Mathematical
Models of the North Sea.

Tett, P. & Edwards, V. 2003. Review of Harmful Algal Blooms in Scottish coastal waters. SEPA, Stirling.

Anon, 2004. UNDERSTANDING OF UNDESIRABLE DISTURBANCE IN THE CONTEXT OF EUTROPHICATION, AND DEVELOPMENT OF UK ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY FOR COASTAL AND MARINE WATERS: Stage 1 report: WHAT IS UNDESIRABLE DISTURBANCE? prepared by: Napier University, Edinburgh; Centre for Environmental, Fisheries and Aquacultural Science, Lowestoft; Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Belfast; Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh; Liverpool University, Port Erin Marine Laboratory, Isle of Man; for Department for Environment, Food and Rural A airs. Published by Napier University, Edinburgh. March 2004.

Anon, 2004. UNDERSTANDING OF UNDESIRABLE DISTURBANCE IN THE CONTEXT OF EUTROPHICATION, AND DEVELOPMENT OF UK ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGY FOR COASTAL AND MARINE WATERS: Stage 2 report: MEASURING UNDESIRABLE DISTURBANCE. prepared by: Napier University, Edinburgh; Centre for Environmental, Fisheries and Aquacultural Science, Lowestoft; Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Belfast; Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh; Liverpool University, Port Erin Marine Laboratory, Isle of Man; for Department for Environment, Food and Rural A airs. Published by Napier University, Edinburgh. July 2004.

Huntington, T.C., Roberts, H., Cousins, N., Pitta, V., Marchesi, N., Sanmamed, A., Hunter-Rowe, T., Fernandes, T.F., Tett, P., McCue, J., & Brockie, N. (2006). Some Aspects of the Environmental Impact of Aquaculture in Sensitive Areas. Report to the DG Fish and Maritime A airs of the European Commission., Rep. No. 221-EC/R/02/B. Poseidon Aquatic Resource Management Ltd, Windrush, Warborne Lane, Portmore, Lymington, Hampshire SO41 5RJ, UK. URL:

Tett, P., E. Portilla, M. Inall, P. Gillibrand, M. Gubbins and T. Amundrod (2007). Modelling the Assimilative Capacity of Sea-Lochs (Final Report on SARF 012). Report, 29 pp. Edinburgh, Napier University.

Gowen, R., P. Tett, E. Bresnan, K. Davidson, A. Gordon, A. McKinney, S. Milligan, D. Mills, J. Silke and A. M. Crooks (2009). Anthropogenic Nutrient Enrichment and Blooms of Harmful Micro-algae. Report to Defra, London, 223 pp.

Ferreira, J. G., J. H. Andersen, A. Borja, S. B. Bricker, J. Camp, M. Cardosa da Silva, E. Garces, A. S. Heiskanen, C. Humborg, I. L., C. Lancelot, A. Menesguen, P. Tett, N. Hoep ner and U. Clausen (2010). Marine Strategy Framework Directive: Task Group 5 Report: Eutrophication. Report, 49 pp. Luxembourg, Oce for Ocial Publications of the European Communities.

Tett, P., R. Mongruel, H. Levrel, T. Hopkins, A. Sandberg, D. Hadley, T. Fernandes, V. Hendrick, A. Mette, J. Vermaat, A. Gilbert, J. dHernoncourt, L. McFadden, S. Priest, C. Green and M. R. dAlcala (2011). Guide to System Design, v.3.09. Report, 41 pp. Oban, Scotland, Scottish Association for Marine Science.

Tett, P., Inall, M., Gillibrand, P., Hawkins, T., Portilla, E., and Gubbins, M. (2011) Development of Assimilative Capacity and Carrying Capacity Models for Water Bodies utilized for Marine Bivalve and Caged Fish Farming (Provisional Final Report on SARF 012A), 83 pp., Oban, Scottish Association for Marine Science.

Turner, K., M. Schaafsma, M. Elliott, D. Burdon, J. Atkins, T. Jickells, P. Tett, L. Mee, S. v. Leeuwen, S. Barnard, T. Luisetti, L. Paltriguera, G. Palmieri & J. Andrews (2013). WP 3B: Coastal/Marine Ecosystem Services: Principles and Practice. UK National Ecosystem Assessment follow-on report (ed). Cambridge, UNEP-WCMC.

Gowen, R. J., P. Tett, A. McQuatters-Gollop, R. Forster, C. Scherer, E. Bresnan, K. Cook, A. Atkinson, M. Best, M. Baptie, S. Keeble and G. McCullough (2013). Part One of the UK Marine Strategy for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive: Plankton indicators: Development of the Life-form and State-Space Method. A report to Defra on a pre-project workshop held at the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute, Belfast, March 5th- 6th 2013. 28 pp. Belfast, AFBI.

Tett, P. (2013). Creran Microplankton in 2012. 34 pp. Oban, Scottish Association for Marine Science.

Tett, P. (2014). Net Microplankton Production in Loch Creran and its approaches in September 2013. 39 pp. Oban, Scottish Association for Marine Science.

Burrows, M. T., N. A. Kamenos, D. J. Hughes, H. Stahl, J. A. Howe & P. Tett (2014). Assessment of carbon budgets and potential blue carbon stores in Scotland's coastal and marine environment. SNH Commissioned Report 761, 91 pp. Inverness, Scottish Natural Heritage.

Lappalainen, M. & P. Tett (2014). Creran microplankton 1979-81 and 2010-12. SAMS Report 287, 55 pp. Oban, Scottish Association for Marine Science.

Tett, P., K. Black, R. Brennan, E. Cook & K. Davidson (2014). Sustainable Mariculture at high Latitudes. Lawrence Mee Centre for People and the Sea, Working Paper. Oban, Scottish Association for Marine Science.

Turner, K., M. Schaafsma, M. Elliott, D. Burdon, J. Atkins, T. Jickells, P. Tett, L. Mee, S. v. Leeuwen, S. Barnard, T. Luisetti, L. Paltriguera, G. Palmieri &J. Andrews (2014). UK National Ecosystem Assessment Follow-on. Work Package
Report 4: Coastal and marine ecosystem services: principles and practice., pp. UNEP-WCMC, LWEC, UK.

Burrows, M. T., N. A. Kamenos, D. J. Hughes, H. Stahl, J. A. Howe & P. Tett (2014). Assessment of carbon budgets and potential blue carbon stores in Scotland's coastal and marine environment. SNH Commissioned Report 761, 91 pp. Inverness, Scottish Natural Heritage.

Scherer, C., R. J. Gowen, P.Tett, A. Atkinson, M. Baptie, M. Best, E. Bresnan, K. Cook, R. Forster, S. Keeble & A. McQuatters-Gollop (2014). Development of a UK Integrated Plankton Monitoring Programme: A nal report of the
Lifeform and State Space project. London, Defra.

Tett, P. (2015). Guide to the Plankton Index method and software, v3.01. 39 pp.. Report 39 pp. Oban, Scotland, Scottish Association for Marine Science. Obtainable from:

Tett, P. (2016). Guide to the implementation of the ACExR-LESV(SF) model for aquaculture in sea-lochs and other RREs, v.2.3. Report 27 pp. Oban, SAMS. Obtainable from:
(35) Tett, P. & Black, K. (2016) Blue Growth and Sustainability: a Systems view. Report 18 pp. Oban, Scotland, Scottish Association for Marine Science. Obtainable from:

Tett P, Benjamins S, Black KD, Coulson M, Davidson K, Fernandes T, Fox C, Hart M, Hicks N, Hughes A, Hunter D-C, Nickell T, Risch D, Tocher D, Vare L, Vespoor E, Wilding T, Wilson B, Wittich A (2018) Review of the environmental impacts of salmon farming in Scotland. Report for the Environment, Climate Change and Land Reform (ECCLR) Committee. The Scottish Parliament, 196 pp.

Hughes AD, Charalambides G, Franco SC, Robinson G, Tett P (2022) Blue Nitrogen: A Nature-Based Solution in the Blue Economy as a Tool to Manage Terrestrial Nutrient Neutrality. Sustainability 14(16): 10182 

Consultancy and industry experience

  • >Eutrophication (I was member of Comprehensive Studies Task Team and have developed models to examine pelagic enrichment by fin-fish farming)
  • >Ecosystem Health (provided scientific advice to Defra in successful UK defence of European UWWTD infraction allegation, and developed tool currently used for MSFD monitoring of the pelagic habitat by UK)
  • >Social Licence to Operate (in relation to ‘Blue Growth’)


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Marine Science BSc: Productivity practical in year 3 'Marine Microbial Ecology'

Aquaculture, Environment and Society MSc: Environmental Interactions of Aquaculture (modelling eutrophication)

Ecosystem-based Management of Marine Systems: 'Impacts' and 'Policy'

IDCORE lectures on the ecosystem approach to management


Previously BSc and MSc teaching for Napier University (1996-2010); University of Wales, Bangor (1994-95); Open University (1971-73 / 1975-79); University of Virginia (1974); Stirling University (1977-83); Heriot-Watt University (1980); UMBS, Millport (2000-02); Centro Internacional de Altos Estudios Agronomicos Mediterraneos (2011);


Research supervisions and examinations

MSc dissertations supervised (in whole or part) to completion: about 50 (from 1974 to 2009)

PhDs supervised (in whole or part) to completion: 28 (from 1973 to 2012)

Currently member of supervisory teams for 3 SAMS-Aberdeen PhD students: Paterson,

UK PhDs externally examined, starting in 1984: 10 = Aberdeen (for UHI), Open University, Plymouth (2), Southampton (2), Strathclyde, UWB (2), Westminster

Internally examined PhDs: Napier (5), UHI (3)

European PhDs and higher research degrees (HDRs) examined, starting in 1991: 10 = Barcelona (1), Bordeaux I (1), Trinity College, Dublin (1), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (1), Liege (1), Marseille II (4), Paris VI (1)

Expert advice to regulators / government

Eutrophication (I was member of Comprehensive Studies Task Team and have developed models to examine pelagic enrichment by  fin-fish farming

Ecosystem Health (provided scientific advice to Defra in successful UK defence of European UWWTD infraction allegation, and developed tool currently used for MSFD monitoring of the pelagic habitat by UK)


Honorary positions and scientific leadership

I.C.E.S.: co-convenor (with M. Parker) of Special Meeting on the Causes, Dynamics and Eff ects of Exceptional Marine Blooms and Related Events, Copenhagen, 4-5 October 1984

C.E.C. MAST : proposal evaluator for MAST I, 1990 and II, 1992; report reviewer, 1994.

Royal Society discussion meeting on Understanding the North Sea System: member of organizing and editing committee. (1992-1993)

E.I.A.S.O.Working Group and C.E.C. MAST: Director of Summer Course on Physics, Chemistry and Biology of Oceanic Fronts, Bangor (1992).

N.E.R.C. LOIS special topic, member steering committee for Shelf Edge Study (1992 - 1997); PSO on Charles Darwin cruise 93 (May 1995) and Challenger 126 (April - May 1996)

Group Co-ordinating Sea Disposal Monitoring, member of Comprehensive Studies Task Team (1992 - 1996)

N.E.R.C. special topic on Testable Models of Aquatic Ecosystems, member steering committee (1993 - 1998)

I.C.E.S. Working Group on Harmful Algal Bloom Dynamics: Co-Convenor, Workshop on Modelling Harmful Algal Blooms, Vigo, May 1994.

N.E.R.C. PRIME special topic, member steering committee (1994 - 1999)

N.E.R.C.: Centre for Coastal and Marine Science, member of Program Review Group for Ocean Processes and Ocean-Shelf Interactions (1997-1998); member of Science Review team for DYME (1999-2002)

Co-ordinator of the EC FP5 OAERRE project, proposed 1999, active 2000-2003, wound up 2005;

Visiting Research Professor, Ocean University of Qingdao, China, 2000-2003;

Leader, WP4, Modelling, in EC DG Fish ECASA project, 2004-7;

Napier University representative on Steering Committee for Scottish Marine Pooling initiative (which became MASTS), 2005-2009

Leader, WP3, System Design, in EC FP6 SPICOSA project, 2007- 2011;

International Union for Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG), the Scienti c Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR), and the Scienti c Committee on Problems of the Environment (SCOPE): invited participant in international scientifi c workshop on Dynamics of Semi-Enclosed Marine Systems (PACKMEDS) in Delmenhorst, Germany, near Bremen, from 1 to 5 April 2007.

Defra, evaluator for Marine Biodiversity Programme Review, London, 17-18 January 2008

LOICZ, invited participant in Dahlem-style workshop, Skjetten, Norway, 15-19 June 2009, on `Global Environmental Change in the Coastal Zone A Socio-Ecological Integration'

I.C.E.S. and J.R.C.: member of Marine Strategy Framework Descriptor Task Group 5 (Eutrophication Qualitative Descriptor): April 2009 - May 2010.

Honorary Professor in the School of Life Sciences, Heriot-Watt University (2013-2015)

Professor emeritus, Edinburgh Napier University, 2013-

Member, MASTS Research Theme Steering Committee for `Biodiversity, Function and Services' (2013-)

Invited participant in ICES Workshop on Food Web Indicators, Copenhagen, 31 Mar - 3 Apr 2014

Invited Participant in PerPOCE I workshop in memory of John Steele, and concerning comparisons of marine and terrestrial ecosystems, Imperial College, London, May 7-9, 2014

Member, UK Pelagics subgroup of Healthy and Biologically Diverse Seas Evidence Group (for UK Defra) since 2015

Invited Participant in Workshop on the development of marine food web indicators, Resilience Centre Stockholm, 25-27 May 2016


Some invited lectures

June 1-4 1998. The Oceanographic Society and Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission. UNESCO headquarters, Paris, meeting on 'Coastal Oceans and Marginal Seas'. Keynote lecture on 'Microplankton, organic cycling and physical processes in shelf seas'

November 1998. BBC/Open University. S204 Uniformity and Diversity, video programme 1, filmed in Marine Science Laboratories, Menai Bridge: parts now available on YouTube as 'Phytoplankton in the sea - Phytoplankton and flagellates'.

November 1998. Institut für Ostseeforschung Warnemnde, Germany. Keynote lecture on 'From Biogeochemical to Ecological Models of Marine Pelagic Ecosystems'.

July 1999. International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, annual Congress, Birmingham, UK. Invited lecture on 'Simplifying pelagic biology for coupled models' in International Association of the Physical Sciences of the Ocean
session on Coastal and Shelf Processes: Fluxes of Matter and Primary Production.

September 2005. British Association, Festival of Science, Dublin, invited lecture (with R. Gowen) on 'Fishing for answers: how can we use the seas sustainably? The basic ingredients - nutrients'.

January 2006. Invited lecture on 'Ecosystem approach in management' at (EC-funded) SAMI expert workshop on 'Environmental Status of European Marine Aquaculture and future perspectives' in Menorca Jan 30 to Feb 1, 2006

November 2008. PROFET Policy Workshop, Vigo, 20-21 November. Invited lecture on 'ECASA a virtual tool for aquaculture site selection and impact assessment'.

September 2010. Korea: Postech International Symposium (Pohang), Seoul National University, and KORDI: Invited lectures on 'Modelling the dynamics of plankton micro-organisms'.

November 2010. SAMS Newth Lecture, Oban: 'Modelling for Science and Policy'

November 2011. Keynote lecture: 'Can we measure the status (and trends) of water bodies?' Annual Conference of the Swedish Institute for the Marine Environment, Goteborg, 9 November 2011

September 2013. Invited lecture: 'The lifeform and state-space approach to marine ecosystem health', Marine Institute, Galway, ROI, 7 September 2013.

January 2014. Invited lecture: 'Ecosystem Health and trajectories in Ecosystem State Space' , University of Aberdeen and Marine Science Scotland, Aberdeen, 31 January 2014.

Employment history

1965 - 69 Scientifi c Officer, Scottish Marine Biological Association, Millport Marine Station

1969 - 74 Senior Scientifi c Officer, Scottish Marine Biological Association, Dunsta nage Marine Research Laboratory, Oban

1971 - 82 Part-time Course and Summer-School Tutor for the Open University

1974 - 75 Research Associate Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia (on leave of absence from SMBA)

1975 - 84 Principal Scientifi c Officer, Scottish Marine Biological Association, Dunsta nage Marine Research Laboratory,

1977 - 83 Teaching BSc and MSc courses at University of Stirling, recognized by the University Court as a `teacher under ordinance 21'

1985 - 86 Principal Scienti fic Officer, Scottish Marine Biological Association, Marine Science Laboratories, Menai Bridge,

1986 - 87 Senior Research Fellow, Department of Marine Biology and School of Ocean Sciences, University College of
North Wales; `Acadamic Status' conferred by the College Senate

1988 - 94 Lecturer, School of Ocean Sciences, University of Wales, Bangor

1995 Reader, School of Ocean Sciences, University of Wales, Bangor

1996 - 99 Reader, and leader of Environmental Biology Research Group, Department of Biological Science, Napier
University, Edinburgh (Merchiston Campus)

1999 - 2009 Professor of Biological Oceanography and (until mid-2007) leader of Environmental Biology Research Group,
School of Life Sciences, Napier University, Edinburgh (Merchiston Campus)

2009 - 10 phased retirement as Professor of Biological Oceanography, School of Life and Sports Sciences, Edinburgh
Napier University (Merchiston Campus)

2009 - 12 part-time Principal Investigator in Coastal Ecosystems Modelling, SAMS

2012 - present: part-time Reader in Coastal Systems, SAMS; Since Nov 15, research area leader in social-ecological systems (the Laurence Mee Centre for Society and the Sea)



1969 PhD Marine Bioluminescence. University of Glasgow

1969 MA Natural Sciences Cambridge (BA 1965 Zoology)