Estelle Dumont

        Marine robotics technician Estelle Dumont with a sea glider in the Scottish Marine Robotics Facility

Marine Robotics Technical Manager

Head of Marine Robotics technical team

Manager of the Scottish Marine Robotics Facility

Oceanographic instrumentation technician with a focus on unmanned technologies (gliders and AUVs)

Contact details:

My main role is the management and operation of the SAMS UUVs, with experience in Seagliders, Slocums, Remus and Gavia. My work also includes other physical oceanography instrumentation (moorings and ship-based), and includes maintenance, deployment and data processing.

I regularly participate in research cruises, particularly in the North Atlantic and Arctic regions.

I contribute to the SAMS BSc degree, lecturing in the H3 Marine Robotics module and providing instrumentation support during fieldtrips.

Beyond SAMS, I am involved in the European Glider Observatories (EGO) community and I am part of the MASTS Technology, Platforms and Sensors Forum steering committee.


Current projects



Marine Science with Oceanography and Robotics BSc: Yr 3 Lecture of Gliders and AUVs

Marine Science BSc: Yr 1 and yr 2 field trips

IDCORE summer school (PhD): lecture on UUVs


Fieldwork experience

  • >Offshore research cruises
  • >UUV deployments and piloting
  • >CTD operations
  • >Mooring deployments
  • >Beach topography surveys
  • >Instrumentation: Seaglider, Slocum, Remus600 AUV, Gavia Offshore Surveyor AUV, CTDs (moored and profiling), ADCP, AZFP, others

Henley SF, Porter M, Hobbs L, Braun J, Guillaume-Castel R, Venables EJ, Dumont J, Cottier F (2020) Nitrate supply and uptake in the Atlantic Arctic sea ice zone:seasonal cycle, mechanisms and drivers. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 378: 20190361. 

Porter M, Henley SF, Orkney A, Bouman HA, Hwang B, Dumont E, Venables EJ, Cottier F (2020) A polar surface eddy obscured by thermal stratication. Geophysical Research Letters 47e2019GL086281.

L. Houpert, M.E. Inall, E. Dumont, S. Gary et al. (2018). Structure and transport of the north Atlantic current in the Eastern Subpolar Gyre from sustained glider observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 123, 6019–6038. doi:10.1029/2018JC014162.

C. Johnson, T. Sherwin, S. Cunningham, E. Dumont, L. Houpert, N.P. Holliday. (2017). Transports and pathways of overflow water in the Rockall Trough. Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 122, 48-59.

T.J. Sherwin, D. Aleynik, E. Dumont, M.E. Inall (2014). Deep drivers of mesoscale circulation in the central Rockall Trough, 2014. Ocean Science 11 (3), 343.

M. Inall, T. Boyd, M. Toberman, C. Old, E. Dumont, B. Hagan (2012)). AUV observations of surface mixing and bubble entrainment in the Clyde estuary, Scotland. Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV), 2012 IEEE/OES

P. Testor et al (2012). EGO: towards a global glider infrastructure for the benefit of marine research and operational oceanography. Mercator Ocean–CORIOLIS Quarterly Newsletter, 12-15.

T.J. Dolphin, C.E. Vincent, J.C. Bacon, E. Dumont, A. Terentjeva (2012). Decadal-scale impacts of a segmented, shore-parallel breakwater system. Coastal Engineering 66, 24-34.

T. Boyd, M. Inall, E. Dumont and C. Griffiths (2010). AUV observations of mixing in the tidal outflow from a Scottish sea loch. Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV), 2010 IEEE/OES; 10/2010


Other research outputs

Various technical reports (glider, research cruise and data processing)


Employment history

Since 2009 Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Support Scientist. SAMS

2007-09 Oceanographic Instrumentation Support Scientist. SAMS

2005-07 Coastal Processes Research Assistant. University of East Anglia



2005 BSc Oceanography and Surveying. Intechmer CNAM (Cherbourg, France)


Training courses

Seaglider operation (2008)

REMUS AUV operations and maintenance (2009)

Slocum glider maintenance and piloting (2014)

Gavia Offshore Surveyor AUV operations and maintenance (2015)