SAMS news room

NEW: North Atlantic Glider Base

The Marine Physics Group is announcing the creation of the North Atlantic Glider Base (NAGB) at SAMS. The NAGB will be a delivery partner of the Marine Autonomous Robotic Systems at the National Oceanography Centre and will become operational in April 2012 supported by NERC National Capability funding.

NAGB welcomes scientists from all over the world to bring Gliders to the SAMS for deep water testing, launch and recovery for North Atlantic missions, and for instruction on operations and on real-time data delivery. We can also provide access to a Seaglider and a Remus 600 AUV for development and trial of new sensors. 

The SAMS has been operating Gliders and AUVs in the North Atlantic since 2009, and has provided support to many UK groups for Glider and AUV development trials, dating back to Autosub 1 trails in 1997.


What will NAGB offers to visitors?
  • Access to laboratory space for pre-mission, post-service Glider preparation (including buoyancy correction)
  • Access to coastal research vessels for sheltered deep water testing (to 200m)
  • Access to fast vessels for deployment and recover for North Atlantic missions
  • Advice on scientific and operational aspects of North Atlantic Gliders missions
  • Advice and software for real-time Glider data delivery to GTS or to data centres


As part of our National Capability we offer all of the above on a free-at-the-point-of-use basis to NERC applicants proposing to use the National MARS facility housed at the National Oceanography Centre. 

To non-NERC funded groups we offer the above on an appropriately costed basis. 


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