Deep connections: How do changes in deep sea faunal communities relate to surface physics and biology?
Multi-stressor impacts on coastal Antarctic and temperate sea urchins
Lighting up zooplankton - mapping marine light using robotics
Quantifying carbon uptake in the North Atlantic Ocean using Biogeochemical Argo floats
Optimising marine image capture and analysis from autonomous underwater vehicles
Life at the limits – Algal physiology under extreme conditions
Controls on nitrogen fixation in the subtropical North Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea
Developing the use of a novel CRISPR associated protein in Nannochloropsis sp. to increase omega-3 fatty acid yield.
Multistressor impacts of ocean acidification and warming on regeneration and biomineralisation in coastal sea urchins
Evaluating long-term resilience of the Scottish Marine Protected Area network
Understanding and exploiting stoichiogenomics to harness reactive nitrogen in sustainable food production system
Elucidating the evolution and diversity of the Southern Ocean ophiuroids with reference to present day ecosystem management
Organism and ecological impacts of electrofishing in Scottish shallow coastal habitats
Assessing the impact of multiple environmental stressors on Atlantic Ocean deep-sea ecosystems
Optimising strain selection and developing a biorefinery for industrially relevant microalgae.
Ecology and recovery potential of flame shells (Limaria hians) following disturbance.
Artificial intelligence based image analysis to address the risk from marine harmful algal blooms
Seaweed farming in Europe: Appraisal and quantification of ecosystem services
Unlocking the enigma of Scottish harbour porpoise fine-scale habitat use
Where's my dinner? Do Arctic benthic communities show preferential food uptake?
Dynamic spatial modelling and forecasting of sea lice abundances
River Robots: Utilizing novel autonomous technologies, observations, and models to investigate freshwater coastal dispersion.
Kelp gametophyte bio-reactors for metabolite extraction
Understanding marine microplastic dynamics using macroplastics as a proxy
Maximising bromoform production in Asparagopsis taxiformsis for methane reduction in food and feeds
Material development for global seaweed cultivation
An oceanic species in coastal habitats: Risso’s dolphin distribution in Scottish waters and implications for conservation management.
Assessing benthic recovery following cessation of salmon farming using eDNA metabarcoding
An environmental evaluation of deep-sea mine tailings placement (DSTP)