SAMS news room

THREE summer bursaries for students

SAMS is pleased to be in a position to offer THREE paid bursary opportunities to university students this summer:

  1. The Neil MacDougall Bursary for Practical Oceanography: postgraduate or exceptional undergraduate student to spend two months (starting June 2014) working with our Physics and Technology Department and aboard research vessels developing practical skills in physical oceanography. 
  2. TWO  NERC Research Experience Placements for undergraduate students to develop their quantitative skills in environmental science over a period of 10 weeks starting in June 2014.



How to apply

Applicants should state clearly which bursary they are interested in and apply by submitting an:

  • application form 
  • CV and 
  • covering letter stating why they are should be considered for this placement

 These three documents should be sent to

Polly Crooks
Academic Registry Officer Undergraduate
The Scottish Association for Marine Science (SAMS)
Argyll PA37 1QA

or by email to  

Closing date for both applications is 16th May 2014

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