SAMS news room

University town plan take shape

Students at the SAMS UHI campus in Dunstaffnage, Oban
Students at the SAMS UHI campus in Dunstaffnage, Oban

If you love both learning and Oban, there’s plenty to stimulate your interest at the Oban a University Town (OAUT) launch event at the Corran Halls, Oban from 11am to 7pm, on Thursday, March 1.

This is a chance for local people to help shape the project and be part of growing Oban‘s economy, making the town busy all year round and creating more choice for our young people.

The OAUT Partners (University of the Highlands and Islands, Scottish Association for Marine Science UHI, Argyll College UHI and Ballet West, as well as Oban High School, BID4Oban, Argyll and Bute Council, Skills Development Scotland, Lorn and Islands Hospital and Highlands & Islands Enterprise) will be on hand to discuss what’s currently on offer, how things are developing and what’s being planned for the next five years. 

This is an opportunity for individuals, community groups, businesses and current and future students to drop by the Corran Halls to share their views and ideas with the Project’s working groups. There will also be a chance to help decide on the OAUT’s logo, and from 5.30pm, to enjoy light refreshments prepared by Argyll College UHI Oban’s catering students. 

A special session will run alongside the event, aimed specifically at enthusing Primary six and seven pupils about exciting subjects that they might want to study right here in Oban when their time comes to develop their own education training and careers.

At 5.30pm, the Oban University Town event concludes with a short programme of local guest speakers lending their support to the Project’s main focus – that of providing an outstanding student experience in Oban which will, in turn contribute to the economic and population growth of the area, enhance creativity and innovation and encourage local businesses to flourish.

For more information on the Oban a University Town Project please go to