26 August 2013, Oban – Marine scientists from around Scotland are meeting in Edinburgh tomorrow for a three-day event to promote their research to policymakers, officials, people in industry and other scientists.
Organisers of this the third Annual Science Meeting for the Marine Alliance for Science and Technology for Scotland (MASTS) expect more than 200 people to attend, so as to build new scientific relationships. It is designed to be cross-disciplinary, with a mix of subjects being presented from deep see biology to marine renewables, climate change, fisheries, and improving aquaculture.
MASTS Executive Director Professor David Paterson described the meeting as a marine science buffet.
“Delegates can get a taste of a wide selection of marine science, which as well as being informative, offers fertile ground for developing novel ideas and collaborations,” he said.
On the first two days a number of speakers are allotted 12 minutes to explain their research in terms understandable to non-specialists. The last day is devoted to a series of open workshops. They include food security, marine litter, Marine Protected Areas, the use of remotely piloted aircraft for marine research and addressing the challenges of decommissioning oil and gas rigs. There will also be two workshops on understanding the biology and behaviour of marine mammals and sharks to interpret the potential impact of environmental change.
The MASTS Programme Co-ordinator, Dr Emma Defew who organised the meeting was keen to point out that the event is open to anyone with an interest in marine science or the issues being addressed.
“The event is a great opportunity to gain a better understanding of marine science and to talk to those involved,” she said.
MASTS is a group of organisations that represents most of Scotland’s marine science research ability. Last month, Scotland’s Draft Marine Plan was published underlining the significance of such research by highlighting the importance of the sea to the nation’s economy, culture and environment.
MASTS’s Annual Science Meeting is being held in the Edinburgh Conference Centre from August 27th-29th. To register for the science meeting or specific workshops go to: http://www.masts.ac.uk/annual-science-meeting/