SAMS news room

Two NERC PhD studentships available We are currently offering TWO fully funded NERC PhD studentships to outstanding candidates from the UK or EU.
  1. The advective transport of harmful phytoplankton in UK shelf seas.
  2. Additionally, we are offering one fully-funded NERC PhD studentship addressing one of the areas below. Students can apply for any of the projects and the best overall candidate will be appointed:


Applicants should have, or expect to obtain, a first class or upper second class honours degree in a relevant subject or equivalent qualification.

Applicants should apply by submitting an application form, CV and referees comments to Fiona Wallace, Academic Registry Officer Post Graduate, The Scottish Association for Marine Science, Oban, Argyll, PA37 1QA or by email to

Closing date: 26th July 2013

Interviews are expected to take place during week beginning 19th August 2013.

For general information please visit


SAMS staff will also act as supervisors for a NERC PhD project to be based at the University of Glasgow looking at Long-distance transfer, speciation and food web modeling of 14C. Application deadline for this project is 15 July.

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