Marine and coastal ecosystem services on the science-policy-practice nexus: challenges and opportunities from 11 European case studies



Drakou, EG, Kermagoret, C, Liquete, C, Ruiz-Frau, A, Burkhard, K, Lillebø, AI, van Oudenhoven, APE, Ballé-Béganton, J, Rodrigues, JG, Nieminen, E, Oinonen, S, Ziemba, A, Gissi, E, Depellegrin, D, Veidemane, K,  Ruskule, A, Delangue, J, Böhnke-Henrichs, A, Boon, A, Wenning, R, Martino, S, Hasler, B, Termansen, M, Rockel, M, Hummel, H, el Serafy, G, Peev, P

International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services and Management
12, 13, 2017