Employment history
2015-present: Director of SAMS (comprising Chief Executive of SAMS, Chief Executive of SAMS Enterprise Ltd and Principal of SAMS UHI)
2012-2015: Director, Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science
2007-2012: Director, British Antarctic Survey
2000-2007: Chief Executive, Plymouth Marine Laboratory
1993-2000: Chair of Marine Science, University of Newcastle (94-99 also Head of Department for Marine Sciences and Coastal Management)
1979-1993: Research Scientist. Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Board directorships
2015-present: SAMS Enterprise Ltd (executive)
2008-12: Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science - Defra agency (non-executive) and Chair of Science Committee
2000-08: National Marine Aquarium (non-executive)
2002-07: Plymouth Marine Applications Ltd (executive)
2002-05: UK Marine Information Council (non-executive)
2003-05: SAMS (non-executive)
1976-79: PhD. University of Dundee
1973-76: BSc (Hons) Marine Biology. University of Liverpool
Professional activities
- >Past and current membership and chairmanship of numerous national and international environmental scientific committees and advisory boards. For example: NATO, EU, ICSU, Royal Society
- >Particularly experienced in UK Research Council committees, notably NERC. Member of NERC Senior Executive Committee 2007 - 2012
- >Past and present national governmental delegate for a range of marine, polar, earth science and environmental organisations
- >Regular PhD supervisor and examiner; served as external examiner for three undergraduate marine science programmes
- >Specialist advisor for national and international environmental and Earth sciences research reviews
- >Deliver several specialist and general lectures and talks annually on a range of environmental topics
Guest Co-Editor: Deep-Sea Research, 40 (3) 643-849. ‘Biogeochemical Cycling in the Northwestern Indian Ocean’.
Editorial Board: Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. (1993-1998)
Associate Editor: Environmental Conservation (1995-99).
Guest Co-Editor: Deep-Sea Research, 42 (4/5) 905-1335. ‘Southern Ocean JGOFS: The UK ‘STERNA’ Study in the Bellingshausen Sea.
Guest Co-Editor: Journal of Plankton Research, 30(2) 95-220
Professional qualifications
1983 Chartered Biologist and Member of the Institute of Biology CBiol MIBiol
2009 Fellow of the Institute of Biology / now Royal Society of Biology FRSB
2009 Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society FRGS
2013 Fellow of the Marine Biological Association of the UK FMBA
H Index (Web of Knowledge) 34
(Google Scholar) 40
CHRISTOFI, N., OWENS, N.J.P. & STEWART, W.D.P. (1979) Studies of nitrifying organisms of the Eden estuary. In: Cyclic Phenomena in Marine Plants and Animals, ed. E. Naylor & R.G. Hartnoll, Oxford, Pergamon, pp 259-266
OWENS, N.J.P., CHRISTOFI, N. & STEWART, W.D.P. (1979) Primary production and nitrogen cycling in an estuarine environment. In: Cyclic Phenomena in Marine Plants and Animals, ed. E. Naylor & R.G. Hartnoll, Oxford, Pergamon, pp 249-258
OWENS, N.J.P. & STEWART, W.D.P. (1980) Nitrogen fixation in the River Eden estuary, Scotland. British Phycological Journal, 15 : 198 (abstract) (Not refereed)
BURKILL, P.H., OWENS, N.J.P. & MANTOURA, R.F.C. (1983) Planktonic nitrogen cycling in coastal waters. In: Nitrogen as an Ecological Factor, ed. J.A.Lee, S. McNeill & I.H. Rorison, Oxford, Blackwell, p442 (abstract) (Not refereed)
CLARKE, K.R. & OWENS, N.J.P. (1983) A simple and versatile micro-computer program for the determination of 'most probable number'. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 1 : 133-137
OWENS, N.J.P. & STEWART, W.D.P. (1983) Enteromorpha and the cycling of nitrogen in a small estuary. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 17 : 186-196
PRESTON, T. & OWENS, N.J.P. (1983). Interfacing an automated elemental analyser with an isotope ratio mass spectrometer: the potential for fully automated total nitrogen and nitrogen-15 analysis. The Analyst, 108, 971-977.
OWENS, N.J.P. & STEWART, W.D.P. (1984) Nitrogen cycling bacteria and dissolved inorganic nitrogen in intertidal estuarine sediments. In : Transfer Processes in Cohesive Systems, ed. W.R. Parker & D.J.J. Kinsman, London, Plenum, pp 215-229
OWENS, N.J.P. (1985) Production processes in bays: examples from Carmarthan Bay, South Wales. NERC News Journal, 3 : 19-21 (Not Refereed)
OWENS, N.J.P. (1985) Variations in the natural abundance of 15N in estuarine suspended particulate matter: a specific indicator of biological processing. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 20 : 505-510
PRESTON, T. & OWENS, N.J.P. (1985) Preliminary 13C measurements using a gas chromatograph interfaced to an isotope ratio mass spectrometer. Biomedical Mass Spectrometry, 12 : 510-513
JOINT, I.R., OWENS, N.J.P. & POMROY, A.J. (1986) Seasonal production of photosynthetic picoplankton and nanoplankton in the Celtic Sea. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 28 : 251-258
LANCELOT, C., MATHOT, S. & OWENS, N.J.P. (1986) Modelling protein synthesis, a step to an accurate estimate of net primary production: Phaecosystis pouchetti colonies in Belgian coastal waters. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 32 : 193-202
OWENS, N.J.P., MANTOURA, R.F.C., BURKILL, P.H., HOWLAND, R.J.M., POMROY, A.J. & WOODWARD, E.M.S. (1986) Nutrient cycling studies in Carmarthan Bay: phytoplankton production, nitrogen assimilation and regeneration. Marine Biology, 93 : 329-342
OWENS, N.J.P. (1986) Estuarine nitrification: a naturally occurring fluidised bed reaction? Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 22 : 31-44
BURKILL, P.H., MANTOURA, R.F.C., LLEWELLYN, C.A. & OWENS, N.J.P. (1987) Microzooplankton grazing and selectivity of phytoplankton in coastal waters. Marine Biology, 93 : 581-590
OWENS, N.J.P. (1987) Natural variations in 15N in the marine environment. Advances in Marine Biology, 24 : 389-451
PLUMMER, D.H., OWENS, N.J.P. & HERBERT, R.A. (1987) Bacteria-particle interactions in turbid estuarine environments. Continental Shelf Research, 7 : 1429-1433
MANTOURA, R.F.C., OWENS, N.J.P. & BURKILL, P.H. (1988) Nitrogen biogeochemistry and modelling of Carmathan Bay. In: Nitrogen Cycling in Coastal Marine Environments, ed. T.H. Blackburn & J. Sorenson, Wiley, pp 415-44
OWENS, N.J.P. (1988) Rapid and total automation of shipboard 15N analysis: examples from the North Sea. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 122 : 163-171
LAW, C.S., REES, A.P. & OWENS, N.J.P. (1989) Consumption and production of nitrous oxide in the Golfe du Lion. In: EROS 2000 (European River Ocean System First Workshop on the North-west Mediterranean Sea, ed. J.M. Martin & H. Barth, Brussels, E Guyot SA, pp 155-161 (Water Pollution Research Report 13)
OWENS, N.J.P., COOK, D., COLEBROOK, J.M., HUNT, H. & REID, P.C. (1989) Long term trends in the occurrence of Phaeocystis sp. in the north east Atlantic. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 69: 813-821
OWENS, N.J.P. & LAW, C.S. (1989) Natural variation in 15N content of riverine and estuarine sediments. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 28 : 407-416
OWENS, N.J.P.& REES, A.P. (1989) Determination of nitrogen-15 at sub-microgram levels of nitrogen using automated continuous-flow isotope ratio mass spectrometry. The Analyst, 114 : 1655-1657
OWENS, N.J.P., REES, A.P., WOODWARD, E.M.S. & MANTOURA, R.F.C. (1989) Size-fractionated primary production and nitrogen assimilation in the North-Western Mediterranean Sea during January 1989. In: EROS 2000 (European River Ocean System First Workshop on the North-west Mediterranean Sea, ed. J.M. Martin & H. Barth, Brussels, E Guyot SA, pp 126-135 (Water Pollution Research Report 13)
WILLIAMS, P,J LE B., ROBINSON, OWENS, N.J.P. (1989) Interrelationships between carbon, oxygen and nitrogen metabolisms. In: EROS 2000 (European River Ocean System First Workshop on the North-west Mediterranean Sea, ed. J.M. Martin & H. Barth, Brussels, E Guyot SA, pp 150-155 (Water Pollution Research Report 13)
WOODWARD, E.M.S. & OWENS, N.J.P. (1989) The influence of the River Rhone upon the nutrient fluxes of the Golfe du Lion. In: EROS 2000 (European River Ocean System First Workshop on the North-west Mediterranean Sea, ed. J.M. Martin & H. Barth, Brussels, E Guyot SA, pp 79-86 (Water Pollution Research Report 13)
LAW, C.S. & OWENS, N.J.P. (1990) Denitrification and nitrous oxide in the North Sea. Netherlands Journal of Sea Research, 25 : 65-74
LAW, C.S. & OWENS, N.J.P. (1990) Significant flux of atmospheric nitrous oxide from the northwest Indian Ocean. Nature, 346 : 826-828
LAW, C.S., REES, A., OWENS, N.J.P. & WOODWARD, E.M.S.(1990) Seasonality in atmospheric and dissolved nitrous oxide in the North West Mediterranean. In: EROS 2000 (European River Ocean System Second Workshop on the North-west Mediterranean Sea, ed. J.M. Martin & H. Barth, 175-186 (Water Pollution Research Report 20)
OWENS, N.J.P. (1990) Marine eutrophication: the role of nutrient inputs. In: Eutrophication Related Phenomena in the Adriatic Sea and in other Mediterranean Coastal Zones, ed. J.M. Martin & H. Barth, 171-192 (Water Pollution Research Report 16)
OWENS, N.J.P., WOODWARD, E.M.S., AIKEN, J., BELLAN, I.E. & REES, A.P. (1990) Primary production and nitrogen assimilation in the North Sea during July 1987. Netherlands Journal of Sea Research, 25 : 143-154
WOODWARD, E.M.S. & OWENS, N.J.P. (1990) Nutrient depletion studies in offshore North Sea areas. Netherlands Journal of Sea Research, 25 : 57-63
LAW, C.S., REES, A.P. & OWENS, N.J.P. (1991) Temporal variability of denitrification in estuarine sediments. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 33 : 37-56
LEES, V., OWENS, N.J.P. & MURRELL, J.C. (1991) Nitrogen metabolism in marine methanotrophs. Archives of Microbiology, 157 : 60-65
MANTOURA, R.F.C., BURKILL, P.H.B., OWENS, N.J.P., WOODWARD, E.M.S., HOWLAND, R.J. & LLEWELLYN, C.A. (1991) Nutrient biogeochemical fluxes in the northeastern Indian Ocean. Marine Geology, 104 : 291-292 (Not refereed)
OWENS, N.J.P., LAW, C.S., MANTOURA, R.F.C., BURKILL, P.H. & LLEWELLYN, C.A. (1991) Methane flux to the atmosphere from the Arabian Sea. Nature, 354 : 293-296
OWENS, N.J.P., PRIDDLE, J. & WHITEHOUSE, M. (1991) Variations in phytoplanktic nitrogen assimilation around South Georgia and in the Bransfield Strait (Southern Ocean). Marine Chemistry, 35 : 287-404
WOODWARD, E.M.S., OWENS, N.J.P., REES, A.P. & LAW, C.S. (1991) Nutrient cycling and primary productivity in the Golfe du Lion. In: EROS 2000 (European River Ocean System Second Workshop on the North-west Mediterranean Sea, ed. J.M. Martin & H. Barth, 83-92 (Water Pollution Research Report 20)
LAW, C.S., REES, A.P. & OWENS, N.J.P. (1992) Nitrous oxide: estuarine sources and atmospheric flux. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science, 35 : 301-314
OWENS, N.J.P., GALLOWAY, J.N. & DUCE, R.A. (1992) Episodic atmospheric nitrogen deposition to oligotrophic oceans. Nature, 357 : 397-399
BURKILL, P.H., LEAKEY, R.J.G., OWENS, N.J.P., & MANTOURA, R.F.C. (1993) Synechococcus and its importance to the microbial food webs of the northwestern Indian Ocean. Deep Sea Research, 40 : 773-782
BURKILL, P.H., MANTOURA, R.F.C. & OWENS, N.J.P. (1993) Biogeochemical cycling in the northwestern Indian Ocean: a brief overview. Deep Sea Research, 40 : 643-649
LAW, C.S., REES, A.P. & OWENS, N.J.P. (1993) Nitrous oxide production by estuarine epiphyton. Limnology and Oceanography, 38 : 435-441
MANTOURA, R.F.C., LAW, C.S., OWENS, N.J.P., BURKILL, P.H., WOODWARD, E.M.S., HOWLAND, R.J.& LLEWELLYN, C.A. (1993) Nitrogen biogeochemical cycling in the northwestern Indian Ocean. Deep Sea Research, 40 : 651-671
OWENS, N.J.P. (1993) Nitrate cycling in marine waters. In: Nitrate: Processes, Patterns and Control, ed. T.P.Burt, A.L. Heathwaite & S.T. Trudgill, Chichester, Wiley, pp 169-209
OWENS, N.J.P., BURKILL, P.H., MANTOURA, R.F.C., WOODWARD, E.M.S., BELLAN, I.A., AIKEN, J., HOWLAND, R.J.M. & LLEWELLYN, C.A. (1993) Size-fractionated primary production and nitrogen assimilation in the north western Indian Ocean. Deep Sea Research, 40 : 697-709
OWENS, N.J.P. & TURNER, D.R. (1993) Ocean-climate studies in the Antarctic. NERC News, 25 : 7-9 (Not refereed)
PRIDDLE, J., OWENS, N.J.P. & TURNER, D.R. (1993) UK marine research in the Antarctic: a major project on biological processes and climate change. Parliamentary Maritime Review, 18 : 6-8 (Not refereed)
STAPLES, T.B., LEWIS, R.E., OWENS, N.J.P., WOODWARD, E.M.S., REES, A.P. & PLUMMER, D.H. (1994) A modelling study of the contribution of riverine and anthropogenic inputs of ammonia to a North Sea coastal area. Estuarine and Coastal Shelf Science, 37 : 497-507
BOYD, P.W., BURY, S.J., OWENS, N.J.P., SAVIDGE, G. & PRESTON, T. (1995) A comparison of isotopic and chemiluminescent methods of estimating microalgae nitrate uptake in the N E Atlantic. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 116: 199-205.
BURY, S.J., OWENS, N.J.P. & PRESTON, T. (1995) 13C and 15N uptake by phytoplankton in the marginal ice zone of the Bellingshausen Sea. Deep Sea Research II 42 : 1225-1252.
HOLMES, A.J., OWENS, N.J.P., & MURRELL, J.C. (1995). Detection of novel marine methanotrophs using phylogenetic and functional gene probes after methane enrichment. Microbiology, 141, 1947-1955.
PRIDDLE, J. LEAKEY, R., SYMON, C., WHITEHOUSE, M., ROBINS, D., CRIPPS, G., MURPHY, E. & OWENS, N.J.P. (1995). Nutrient cycling by Antarctic marine microbial plankton. Marine Ecology Progress Series 116 : 181-198.
REES, A.P., OWENS, N.J.P., HEATH, M.R., PLUMMER, D.H. & BELLERBY, R.S. (1995). Seasonal nitrogen assimilation and carbon fixation in a fjordic sea loch. Journal of Plankton Research 17 : 1307-1324.
THOMPSON, A.S., OWENS, N.J.P. & MURRELL, J.C. (1995). Isolation and characterization of methanesulfonic acid degrading bacteria from the marine environment. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 61 : 2388-2393.
TURNER, D.R. & OWENS, N.J.P. (1995). A biogeochemical study in the Bellingshausen Sea: Overview of the STERNA 1992 expedition. Deep Sea Research II , 42: 907-932.
TURNER, D.R., PRIDDLE, J. & OWENS, N.J.P. (1995). Eds. Southern Ocean JGOFS: The UK “STERNA” Study in the Bellingshausen Sea. Deep Sea Research II 42 : 905-1335.
HOLMES, A.J., OWENS, N.J.P., MURRELL, J.C. (1996). Molecular analysis of enrichment cultures of marine methane oxidizing bacteria. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 203, 27-38.
LIPSCHULTZ, F. & OWENS, N.J.P. (1996). An assessment of nitrogen fixation as a source of nitrogen to the North Atlantic Ocean. Biogeochemistry 35, 261-274.
NIXON, S.W., AMMERMAN, J.W., ATKINSON, L.P., BEROUNSKY, V.M., BILLEN, G., BOICOURT, W.C., BOYNTON, W.R., CHURCH, T.M., DiTORO, D.M., ELMGREN, R., GARBER, J.H., GIBLIN, A.E., JAHNKE, R.A., OWENS, N.J.P., PILSON, M.E.Q., SEITZINGER, S.P. (1996). The fate of nitrogen and phosphorus at the land-sea margin of the North Atlantic Ocean. Biogeochemistry 35, 141-180.
PROBYN, T.A., WALDRON, H.N., SEARSON, S. & OWENS, N.J.P. (1996). Diel variability in nitrogenous nutrient uptake at photic and sub-photic depths. Journal of Plankton Research, 18, 2063-2079.
SAVIDGE, G., PRIDDLE, J., GILPIN, L.C., BATHMANN, U., MURPHY, E.J., OWENS, N.J.P., POLLARD, R.T., TURNER, D.R. & VETH, C. (1996). An assessment of the role of the marginal ice zone in the carbon cycle of the Southern Ocean. Antarctic Research. 8 349-358.
UPSTILL-GODDARD, R.C., REES, A.P. & OWENS, N.J.P. (1996). Simultaneous high-precision measurements of methane and nitrous oxide in water and seawater by single phase equilibration gas chromatography. Deep-Sea Research I 43, 1669-1682.
REES, A.P., OWENS, N.J.P. & UPSTILL-GODDARD, R.C. (1997). Nitrous oxide in the Bellingshausen Sea and Drake Passage. Journal of Geophysical Research, 102, 3383 - 3391.
BARNES, J & OWENS, N.J.P. (1998). Denitrification and Nitrous Oxide concentrations in the Humber Estuary, UK and adjacent coastal zones. Mar.Poll.Bull. 37, 247-260.
OWENS, N. J. P. & WATTS, L.J. (1998). 15N and the assimilation of nitrogen by marine phytoplankton: the past, present and future? Stable Isotopes: Integration of Biological, Ecological and Geochemical Processes. H.Griffiths. Oxford, BIOS: 257-283.
UPSTILL - GODDARD, R.C., BARNES, J & OWENS N.J.P.. (1999). Nitrous oxide and methane during the 1994 SW monsoon in the Arabian Sea/northwestern Indian Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research, 104. 30,067 - 30,084.
UPSTILL-GODDARD, R.C., BARNES, J. & OWENS, N.J.P. (1999). Methane and Nitrous oxide in the Arabian Sea and northwestern Indian Ocean during the southwest monsoon of 1994. Journal of Geophysical Research 104, 30067-30085.
WATTS L.J., SATHYENDRANATH S., CAVERHILL C., MAASS H., PLATT, T.& OWENS,N.J.P.(1999). Modelling new production in the northwest Indian Ocean region. Mar.Ecol.Prog. Ser. 183, 1 - 12.
WATTS, L. & OWENS, N.J.P. (1999). Nitrogen assimilation during the intermonsoon in the Arabian Sea. Deep-Sea Research. 46, 725 - 743.
UPSTILL-GODDARD, R.C., BARNES, J., FROST, T., PUNSHON, S.,& OWENS, N.J.P. (2000). Methane in the Southern North Sea: low salinity inputs, estuarine removal and atmospheric flux. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 14, 1205-1217.
Bury, S.J., Boyd, P.W., Preston, T., Savidge, G., & Owens, N.J.P. (2001). Size-fractionated primary production and nitrogen uptake during a North Atlantic phytoplankton bloom: implications for carbon export estimates, Deep Sea Research Part I : 48 689-720.
clark, D.R., Flynn, K.J.,& Owens, N.J.P. (2002). The large capacity for dark nitrate-assimilation in diatoms may overcome nitrate limitation of growth. New Phytologist, 155, 101-108
Kitidis, V., Uher, G., Woodward, E.M.S., Owens, N.J.P., Henry, G., & Upstill-Goddard, R.C. (2002). Photo-production of ammonium from chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) in coastal waters. Ocean Sciences Meeting, published as supplement to Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union, 83(4), 277. (Not refereed)
FLYNN, K.J., CLARK, D.R., & OWENS, N.J.P. (2002). Modelling suggests that optimization of dark nitrogen-assimilation need not be a critical selective feature in phytoplankton. New Phytologist, 155, 109-119
UPSTILL-GODDARD, R. C., FROST, T., HENRY, G.R., FRANKLIN, M., MURRELL, J.C. & OWENS, N.J.P. (2003). "Bacterioneuston control of air-water methane exchange determined with a laboratory gas exchange tank." Global Biogeochemical Cycles 17: 1108-
FRANKLIN, M.P., McDONALD, BOURNE, D.G., OWENS, N.J.P., UPSTILL-GODDARD, R.C., MURRELL, J.C. (2005). Bacterial diversity in the bacterioneuston (sea surface microlayer): the bacterioneuston through the looking glass. Environmental Microbiology 7: 723-736.
BOYD, P. W., JICKELLS, T., LAW, C. S., BLAIN, S., BOYLE, E. A., BUESSELER, K. O., COALE, K. H., CULLEN, J., DE BAAR, H. J. W., FOLLOWS, M., HARVEY, M., LANCELOT, C., LEVASSEUR, M., OWENS, N. J. P., POLLARD, R., RIVKIN, R. B., sARMIENTO, V., SCHOEMANN, V., SMETACEK, V., Takeda,S., Tsuda, a., Turner, s., & Watson, a.j. (2007): “Mesoscale Iron Enrichment Experiments 1993-2005: Synthesis and Future Directions”. Science. 315. no. 5812, pp. 612 – 617
ROBINSON, C.,& OWENS, N.J.P. (2008). Patrick Michael Holligan – a short biography. Journal of Plankton Research: doi: 10.1093/plankt/fbm 106. (Not refereed).
KITIDIS, V., UHER, G., WOODWARD, E.M.S., OWENS, N.J.P., & UPSTILL-GODDARD, R.C. (2008). Photochemical production and consumption of ammonium in a temperate river-sea system..Marine Chemistry 112 118-127.
OWENS, N.J.P. (2008). On Thin Ice. In: Public Service Review: Science and Technology. PSCA, UK. pp. 83 – 85. (Not refereed).
OWENS, N.J.P. (2008). Ocean Acidification: The Other CO2 Problem. In: Environment on the Edge 2007/2008. UNEP-WCMC/New Hall/St.Edmund’s College/British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, UK. pp. 59-69. (Not refereed).
OWENS, N.J.P., HOSIE, G.W., BATTEN, S.D., EDWARDS, M., JOHNS, D.G., & BEAUGRAND, G. (2013). All plankton sampling systems underestimate abundance: Response to “Continuous plankton recorder underestimates zooplankton abundance” by J.W. Dippner and M.Krause. Journal of Marine Systems. DOI 10.1016/j.jmarsys.2013.05.003.
OWENS, N.J.P. (2014). Sustained UK marine observations. Where have we been? Where are we now? Where are we going? Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 372: 20130332.http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rsta.2013.0332.
VEZZULLII, L., STAUDER, M., GRANDE, C., PEZZATI, E., VERHEYE, H.M., OWENS, N.J.P., PRUZZO, C., (2015). gbpA as a novel qPCR target for the species-specific detection and quantification of Vibrio cholerae O1, O139, non-O1/non-O139 in Environmental, Stool, and Historical Continuous Plankton Recorder Samples. PLOS ONE DOI 10.1371/journal.pone 0123983.
McQUATTERS-GOLLOP, A., EDWARDS, M., HALAOUET, P., JOHNS, D.G., OWENS, N.J.P., RAITSOS, D.E., SCHROEDER, D., SKINNER, J., STERN, R.F. (2015). The Continuous Plankton Recorder survey: How can long-term phytoplankton datasets contribute to the assessment of Good Environmental Status? Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science DOI:org/10.1016/j.ecss.2015.05.010
McCORMACK, C.G., BORN, W., IRVINE, P.J., ACHTERBERG, E.P., AMANO, T., ARDRON, J., FOSTER, P.N., GATTUSO, J-P., HAWKINS, S.J., HENDY, E., KISSLING, W.D., LLUCH-COTA, S.E., MURPHY, E.J., OSTLE, N., OWENS, N.J.P., PERRY, R.I., PORTNER, H.O., SCHOLES, R.J., SCHURR, F.M., SCHWEIGER, O., SETTELE, J., SMITH, R.K., SMITH, S., THOMPSON, J., TITTENSOR, D.P., van KLEUNEN, M., VIVIAN, C., VOHLAND, K., WARREN, R., WATKINSON, A.R., WIDDICOMBE, S., WILLIAMSON, P., WOODS, E., BLACKSTOCK, J.J., SUTERHERLAND, W.J. (2016): Key impacts of climate engineering on biodiversity and ecosystems, with priorities for future research, Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences, DOI: 10.1080/1943815X.2016.1159578