Bill Turrell

        Bill Turrell wearing glasses and a white shirt

Honorary Research Fellow

By training I am a physical oceanographer, but for 30+ years have been a generalist marine science adviser in the Scottish Government. I spent about 15 years conducting research on the oceanography of Scottish waters, including aspects of sea lochs, the Clyde Sea, the North Sea, the Faroe Shetland Channel and the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Subsequently, within the marine science capacity of the Scottish Government, I have led teams in marine ecosystems, fisheries science and environmental science. I have provided advice, and authored peer-reviewed papers, on a wide range of topics such as the impact and management of aquaculture, the impact and management of fishing, the impact of the offshore oil and gas industry, the impact of climate change in our seas and on species such as Atlantic salmon, the management of invasive species and the management of fish disease. I provided advice for events such as the disposal of the Brent Spar and the impact of the Braer tanker disaster. I have had a continual involvement in all aspects of marine monitoring and assessment. After partially retiring, I am now working on projects related to offshore wind developments, blue carbon and marine plastics. I am an honorary Professor at the University of St Andrews.

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