Peer-reviewed publications
Williams M., Burnside N.G., Brolly M., & Joyce C.B. (2024) Investigating the Role of Cover-Crop Spectra for Vineyard Monitoring from Airborne and Spaceborne Remote Sensing. Remote Sensing. 16(21), 3942;
Stracquadanio L., Penny, S., Ganswindt A., Burnside N., Tolhurst B. (2023) Fence‐related mortalities of Temminck's pangolin (Smutsia temminckii) in South Africa quantified through a citizen science approach. African Journal of Ecology 62 (1),
Sampaio de Lima, R. Li, K.Y., Vain, A., Lang, M., Fernandes Bergamo, T., Kokamägi, K., Burnside, N.G., Ward, R.D., Sepp K. (2022) The Potential of optical UAS data for predicting surface soil moisture in a peatland across time and sites. Remote Sensing 14 (10), 2334,
N Crabb, C Carey, AJ Howard, R Jackson, N Burnside, M Brolly (2022) Modelling geoarchaeological resources in temperate alluvial environments: The capability of higher resolution satellite remote sensing techniques. Journal of Archaeological Science 141, 105576.
Li, K-Y., Sampaio de Lima, R., Burnside, N.G., Vahtmae, E., Kutser, T., Sepp, K., Pinheiro, V. H. C., Yang, M-D., Vain, A. & Sepp, K., (2022) Toward Automated Machine Learning-Based Hyperspectral Image Analysis in Crop Yield and Biomass Estimation Remote Sensing. 14, 5, 26 p., 1114.
Ibañez-Álvarez, M., Farràs Santasusana, P., Calleja, J. A., Rouco, C., Brolly, M., Burnside, N. G., Baraza, E., Bartolomé, J. & Serrano, E., (2022) Satellite-Based Monitoring of Primary Production in a Mediterranean Islet Post Black Rat Eradication: Remote Sensing. 14, 1, p. e101 101..
Apellaniz, M., Burnside, N. G. & Brolly, M., (2022), Temperate Grassland Afforestation Dynamics in the Aguapey Valuable Grassland Area between 1999 and 2020: Identifying the Need for Protection. Remote Sensing. 14, 1, e74.
KY Li, NG Burnside, RS de Lima, MV Peciña, K Sepp, VH Cabral Pinheiro, (2021) An Automated Machine Learning Framework in Unmanned Aircraft Systems: New Insights into Agricultural Management Practices Recognition Approaches. Remote Sensing 13 (16), 190
Jonathan Dale, Heidi M. Burgess, Maureen J. Berg, Conor J. Strong, Niall G. Burnside (2021) Morphological evolution of a non-engineered managed realignment site following tidal inundation. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. .
Kai-Yun Li, Niall G. Burnside, Raul Sampaio de Lima, Miguel Villoslada Peciña, Karli Sepp, Ming-Der Yang, Janar Raet, Ants Vain, Are Selge, Kalev Sepp (2021) The Application of an Unmanned Aerial System and Machine Learning Techniques for Red Clover-grass Mixture Yield Estimation Under Variety Performance Trials. Remote Sensing, 13, 1994.
Sampaio de Lima, R., Lang, M., Burnside, N., Villoslada Pecina, M., Arumae, T., Laarmann, D., Ward, R., Vain, A. & Sepp, K. (2021) An Evaluation of the Effects of UAS Flight Parameters on Digital Aerial Photogrammetry Processing and Dense-Cloud Production Quality in a Scots Pine Forest. Remote Sensing. 13, 6, 1121.
Dale J., Burnside N.G., Hill-Butler C., Berg M., Strong C., Burgess H. (2020) The use of unmanned aerial vehicles to determine differences in vegetation cover: a tool for monitoring coastal wetland restoration schemes. Remote Sensing.
Gislam H., Burnside N.G., Brolly M., Deribe K., Davey G., Wanji S., Suh CE., Kemp S.J., Watts M.J., LeBlond J.S. (2020) Linking soils and human health: Geospatial analysis of ground-sampled soil data in relation to community level podoconiosis data in North West Cameroon. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene. doi:10.1093/trstmh/traa138
Alonso-Martinez, L., Ibanez-Alverez, M., Brolly, M., Burnside, N., Calleja, J., Pelaez, M., Lopez-Sanchez, A., Bartolome, J., Fanlo, H., Lavin, S., Perea, R. & Serrano, E., (2020) Remote mapping of foodscapes using sUAS and a low-cost BG-NIR sensor. Science of the Total Environment. 718, 13 p., 137357.
Barbero-Palacios, L., Carreira, J., Baraza, E., Krumins, J., Brolly, M., Burnside, N., Bartolome, J., Lavin, S., Calleja, J., Carvalho, J., Torres, R., Barrio, I., Perea, R. & Serrano, E., (2020) The role of wild ungulates in nutrient cycling in Mediterranean ecosystems: a pending issue. Galemys. 32, 3 p.
Miguel Villoslada Peciña M., Fernandes Bergamo T., Ward R.D., Burnside N.G., Joyce C.B., Bunce R.G.H., & Sepp K. (2020) Fine scale plant community assessment in coastal meadows using UAV based multispectral data. Ecological Indicators. 111, 105979.
Dale J., Burnside N.G., Strong C.J. & Burgess H.M. (2020) The use of small-Unmanned Aerial Systems for high resolution analysis for intertidal wetland restoration schemes. Ecological Engineering. 143, 8 p., 105695.
Nelson K., Burnside N.G. (2019) Identification of Marine Management Priority Areas using a GIS-based Multi-criteria Approach. Ocean and Coastal Management. 172, p. 82-92 11 p.
Dale J., Burgess H., Burnside N.G. , Kilkie P., Nash D.J., & Cundy A. (2018) The evolution of embryonic creek systems in a recently inundated large open coast managed realignment site. Anthropocene Coasts 1, 1, p. 16-33.
Strong C., Burnside N.G., Lewelyn D. (2017) The potential of small-Unmanned Aircraft Systems for the rapid detection of threatened unimproved grassland communities using an Enhanced Normalized Difference Vegetation Index. PLoS ONE, 12 (10). ISSN 1932-6203
Bilotta, Gary, Burnside, Niall, Turley, Matthew, Jeremy Gray, Orr, Harriet (2017) The effects of run-of-river hydroelectric power schemes on invertebrate community composition in temperate streams and rivers, PLoS ONE 12(2):e0171634.
Turley, Matthew, Bilotta, Gary, Chadd, Richard, Extence, Chris, Brazier, Richard, Burnside, Niall, Pickwell, Alex (2016) A sediment-specific family-level biomonitoring tool to identify the impacts of fine sediment in temperate rivers and streams Ecological Indicators, 70. pp. 151-165. ISSN 1470-160X.
Bilotta, Gary, Burnside, Niall, Gray, Jeremy, Orr, Harriet (2016) The effects of run-of-river hydroelectric power schemes on fish community composition in temperate streams and rivers PLoS ONE, 11 (5). ISSN 1932-6203.
Krolik-Root C., Stansbury D.L., Burnside N.G., (2015) Effective LiDAR-based modelling and visualisation of managed retreat scenarios for coastal planning: an example from the southern UK. Ocean & Coastal Management. 114: 164-174
Ward, Raymond, Burnside, Niall, Joyce, Christopher, Sepp, Kalev and Teasdale, Phillip (2015) Improved modelling of the impacts of sea level rise on coastal wetland plant communities Hydrobiologia, 757. pp. 1-14. ISSN 0018-
Ward R.D., Teasdale P., Burnside N.G. Joyce C.B. Sepp K. (2014) Recent rates of sedimentation on irregularly flooded Boreal Baltic coastal wetlands: responses to recent changes in sea level. Geomorphology. Online.
Tink M., Burnside N.G. & Waite S. (2014) A spatial analysis of Serotine Bat (Eptesicus Serotinus) roost location and landscape structure: A case study in Sussex, United Kingdom. International Journal of Biodiversity. Volume 2014 |Article ID 495307 |
Ward R.D., Burnside N.G. Joyce C.B. Sepp K. (2013) The use of medium point density LiDAR elevation data to determine plant community types in Baltic coastal wetlands. Ecological Indicators, 33. 96-104.
Smith D., Hunt N., Firth C.R., Jordan J.T., Fretwell, P.T., Harman, M., Murdy, J., Orford, J.D., Burnside, N.G. (2012) Patterns of Holocene Relative Sea Level change in the North of Britain and Ireland. Quaternary Science Review, 54. pp. 58-76
G.S. Bilotta, G.S., Burnside N.G., Cheek, L., Dunbarc, M., Grove, M. Harrison C., Joyce, C.B. & Peacock C. (2012) Developing environment-specific water quality guidelines for suspended particulate matter. Water Research, 46, pp. 2324-2332.
Berg, M., Joyce, C.B. and Burnside, N.G. (2012) Differential responses of abandoned wet grassland plant communities to reinstated cutting management Hydrobiologia . 692: pp. 83-97.
Burnside, N.G., Joyce, C.B., Berg, M. and Puurman, E. (2008) The relationship between microtopography and vegetation in Estonian coastal wetlands: implications for climate change. Publications Instituti Geographici Universitatis Tartuensis, 106. pp. 19-23.
Scott D.M., Joyce C.B. & Burnside N.G. (2008) The influence of habitat and landscape on small mammals in Estonian coastal wetlands. Estonian Journal of Ecology. (57) 4: 279-295.
Yarnell, R.W., Metcalfe D.J., Dunstone N., Burnside N.G. & Scott D.M. (2008) The impact of fire on habitat use by the short-snouted sengi (Elephantulus brachyrhynchus) in a Northwest Province, South Africa. African Zoology. (43) 1: 45-52.
Burnside N.G., Joyce C.B., Puurmann E. & Scott D.M. (2007) Vegetation classification and plant indicators to assess grazing abandonment in coastal wetlands. Journal of Vegetation Science. (18): 645-654.
Elliott, J.A., Burnside, N.G., Broomhead, T., Kinsey, B.H. & Kwesha, D (2006) The nature and extent of landscape change under land resettlement programmes in Zimbabwe. Land Degradation and Development. (17) 5: pp. 495-508.
Burnside N.G., Metcalfe D.J., Smith R.F., & Waite S. (2006) Ghyll woodlands of the Weald: characterisation and conservation. Biodiversity & Conservation. (15) 4: 1319-1338.
Bond G., Burnside N.G., Metcalfe D.J., Scott D.M. & Blamire J. (2005) The effects of land-use and landscape texture on barn owl (Tyto alba) breeding success in southern England. Landscape Ecology (20) 5: pp. 555-566.
Joyce C.B. & Burnside N.G. (2004) Baltic coastal wetlands: back from the brink? National Wetlands Newsletter (26) 1: pp. 11-15.
Burnside N.G., Smith R.F., & Waite S. (2003) Recent historical land use change on the South Downs, United Kingdom. Environmental Conservation (30) 1: pp. 52-60.
Burnside N.G., Smith R.F., & Waite S. (2002) Habitat suitability modelling for calcareous grassland restoration on the South Downs, United Kingdom. Journal of Environmental Management (65) 2: pp. 209-221.
Chapters in Edited Books (refereed)
Burnside N.G. & Waite S. (2011) Monitoring and Modelling Biogeographical Phenomena: Predictive Modelling. CH 23: pp435-453. IN: Blumler M., MacDonald G., Millington A. & Schickhoff U. (eds) Handbook of Biogeography, Sage Publications, USA.
Burnside N.G., Metcalfe D.J., Smith R.F., Waite S. (2006) Ghyll woodlands of the Weald: characterisation and conservation. In: Hawksworth D.L., Bull A.T. (eds) Forest Diversity and Management. Topics in Biodiversity and Conservation, vol 2. Springer, Dordrecht.
Waite S. & Burnside N.G. (2001) The radiate capitulum morph of Senecio vulgaris L. within Sussex: The use of GIS in establishing origins. IN: Millington A.C., Walsh S.J., & Osborne P.E. (eds) GIS and Remote Sensing Applications in Biogeography and Ecology. Kluwer Books. (11): pp.179-192.
Example Official Reports
Tomline, N. & Burnside, N., 1 May 2015, Sussex coastal habitats inshore pilot II: Marine habitat and bathymetry modelling. Inshore Fisheries Conservation Authority. 92 p.
Foss, C., Morris, D., Burnside, N. & Ravenscroft, N., Jul 2010, 'Champagne comes to England': assessing the potential of GIS in the identification of prime vineyard sites in south east England. London, UK: Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors.
Ravenscroft, N., Church, A., Burnside, N., Gilchrist, P., Rogers, G., Hickey, R., Markwell, S., Scott, A., Reeves, J. & Hammond, B., (2004), Improving Access for Canoeing on Inland Waters: A Study of the Feasibility of Access Agreements. Countryside Agency. 258 p.
Burnside, N., Joyce, C., Metcalfe, D. J., Smith, R. & Waite, S., 2003, South Downs lifescapes: suitability modelling for BAP target habitats in the proposed South Downs National Park, Peterborough, UK: English Nature.
Burnside, N., Carrett, N. J., Metcalfe, D. & Waite, S., 2002, The determination of Ghyll woodland types in the Weald: a GIS approach, UK: East Sussex County Council; INTERREG.
Burnside, N., Carrett, N. J., Metcalfe, D. & Waite, S., 2001, GIS analysis of the current extent and levels of fragmentation of ancient and ghyll woodlands within East Sussex, UK: East Sussex County Council; INTERREG.
Church, A., Ravenscroft, N., Curry, N., Burnside, N., Fish, P., Joyce, C., Hill, D., Smith, T., Scott, P., Markwell, S., Mobbs, B. & Grover, S., 2001, Water-based sport and recreation: the facts. 136 p. London: DEFRA.
Conference Contributions (refereed and published)
Alkhuzaei M., Brolly M., Burnside N.G., Carey C., Maniatis G. (2020) Remote Benthic Habitat Mapping Using Sunglint corrected multispectral Imagery in Bahrain waters. EGU2020: Sharing Geoscience Conference Online. 23 Mar 2020.
Crabb N. Carey C., Brolly M., Burnside N., & Jackson R. (2019) Evaluating the capability of a SUAS mounted multispectral sensor for the mapping of archaeological resources in an alluvial landscape. Conference: 13th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection At: Institute of Technology, Sligo, Ireland. August 2019.
Alonso L. Ibáñez Álvarez M., Burnside N.G., Brolly M., Serrano E. (2019) Bottom-up regulation assessment in prey ungulate populations. Feasibility, limitations and perspectives. Conference: Proceedings of the International Forum on Tiger and Leopard Transboundary Conservation. At: Harbin, China. July 2019.
Bilotta, Gary, Burnside, Niall, Gray, Jeremy, Orr, Harriet (2017) The Effects of Run-of-River Hydroelectric Power Schemes on Fish and Invertebrate Community Composition in Temperate Streams and Rivers. 10th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences 2017 - Olomouc, Czech Republic, 2-7 July 2017
Waite, S, Burnside N.G. & Flint A (2010) Factors determining ghyll woodland diversity. Adding complexity to the species area relationship. pp. 23-31. IN: Eycott A., Scott D. & Smithers R.J. (eds) Future Landscape Ecology, IALE Publications.
Ward, R., Burnside, N., Joyce, C. and Sepp, K. (2010) The effects of micro-topography and edaphic factors on vegetation community structure. In: Eycott, A., Scott, D. and Smithers, R. (eds) Future landscape ecology. IALE (UK), 32-36
Burnside, N.G., Joyce, C.B., Berg, M. and Puurman, E. (2008) The relationship between microtopography and vegetation in Estonian coastal wetlands: implications for climate change. International Wetlands Symposium, University of Tartu, Estonia. 2008.
Burnside N.G., Smith R.F., & Waite S. (1999) A GIS approach linking grassland community types and landscape position on the South Downs. IN: Maudsley M. & Marshall J. (eds) Heterogeneity in Landscape Ecology. IALE Publication. pp. 95-104
Burnside N.G., Smith R.F., Waite S. & Watson N.M. (1998) Landscape Ecology and the management of the South Downs, United Kingdom. IN: Dover J.W. & Bunce R.G.H (eds) Key Concepts in Landscape Ecology, IALE Publications. pp. 131-136.
Burnside N.G., Smith R.F., Waite S. & Watson N.M. (1998) Analysis of land use change on the South Downs, United Kingdom. IN: Dover J.W. & Bunce R.G.H. (eds) Key Concepts in Landscape Ecology, IALE Publications. pp. 123-130
Media Contributions
Burnside N.G. (2019) BBC 4 TV Programme, ‘Digging for Britain: The South’ 4th December 2019, BBC 4, and pre-titles across the complete Series 8. Drone filming footage (modelling, stills and video) – full credits to Dr Niall Burnside and the University of Brighton.
Burnside N.G. (2021) Forgotten Relics; Historical Railways Estate: An examination of the importance of former rail infrastructure within landscape corridors and the impact of infilling on the movement of certain species. (YouTube Video Channel) – full credits to Dr Niall G Burnside.
BSc Marine Science - UC109736 Marine Robotics: Module leader
Current research students
Joe Agate: Development of novel methods for monitoring the evolution of coastal wetlands following disturbance. PhD. 2021-2024. University of Brighton
Alumni research students
Lea Stracquadanio: African ground pangolin (Smutsia temminckii) distribution and behavioural ecology in relation to fences. PhD. 2024. University of Brighton
Michael Williams: sUAS application in precision viticulture: Biodiversity benefit. PhD. 2023. University of Brighton
Manaf Alkhuzaei: Quantifying and mapping blue carbon ecosystems in Bahrain waters. PhD. 2023. University of Brighton
Nicholas Crabb: Evaluating contemporary digital technologies for the reconstruction and mapping of archaeological resources. PhD. 2023. University of Brighton
Kai-Yun Li: The use of unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) in the detection of crops and structure of agricultural landscapes, Estonia. PhD. 2022. Estonian University of Natural Sciences
Harriet Gislam: Linking soils and human health: Geospatial analysis of podoconiosis occurrence and cause in Ethiopia and Cameroon. PhD. 2022. University of Brighton
Conor Strong: Effective management of the invasive aquatic plant Australian Swamp Stonecrop (Crassula helmsii) in wetlands. PhD. 2021. University of Brighton
Jane Birch: Impact of the invasive non-native species Hydrocotyle ranunculoides L.f. (Floating Pennywort) on native macrophyte communities. PhD. 2021. University of Brighton
Amanda Flint: A temporal and spatial analysis of species co-occurrence patterns within a chalk heath community. PhD. 2018. University of Brighton.
Michael Tink: The influence of historical and contemporary landscape structure on plant biodiversity: effects on species and genetics. PhD. 2017. University of Brighton
Deborah Grass: Identifying the population structure in an endangered social mammal: the hazel dormouse (Muscardinus avenallarius). PhD. 2017. University of Brighton
Andrew Flint: The biodiversity of the Wealden ghyll woodlands: species richness, abundance and distribution patterns in a rare and fragmented habitat. PhD. 2014. University of Brighton
Ray Ward: Landscape and ecological modelling: Developing a plant community prediction tool for Estonian coastal wetlands. PhD. 2013. University of Brighton
Roy Holm: The Structure of Chalk Grassland Communities and the Role of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi. PhD. 2012. University of Brighton
Jennifer Broome-Smith: Childhood disability in Brighton and Hove: a geographic perspective. PhD. 2011. University of Brighton
Maureen Berg: Abandonment and reinstated management upon coastal wet grasslands in Estonia. PhD. 2009. University of Brighton
Fran Southgate: An analysis of the impact of wetland habitat and water quality on the distribution of the northern water shrew. PhD. 2007. University of Brighton
Anna Manukyants: Choice experiments and the social value of forests: Forestry Commission woodlands in South East England. PhD. 2005. University of Brighton
I have 25+ years’ experience in commercial projects focussing on spatial ecology projects and the application of GIS and Remote Sensing. My specialisms are the application of geoinformatics (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) for marine, landscape and habitat/species conservation and management. I have extensive habitat and field survey knowledge, in particular Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (sUAS), Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs), dGPS surveys, LiDAR and Multibeam data. I hold full Civil Aviation Authority Permission for Aerial Work (Fixed-wing and Multi-rotor).
Examples of previous project funders include UK central Government, Environment Agency, Natural England, Natural Resources Wales, Inshore Fisheries Conservation Authority, Earthwatch Institute, and the EU.
Much of my recent work focuses on the use of RGB, multi-spectral, hyperspectral remote sensing data and Structure-from-Motion developing the science and approaches to monitor threatened coastal systems and targeted biodiversity restoration and management (e.g. saltmarsh systems, coastal grasslands) and marine mapping.
Accessing consultancy services from SAMS
SAMS consultancy work is delivered through its wholly owned commercial subsidiary, SAMS Enterprise, which operates a comprehensive Quality Management System (QMS) that is accredited to ISO9001:2008 standard, guaranteeing that all projects deliver the best possible service to our customers. All SAMS Enterprise projects are planned by a professional programme manager who oversees a team of dedicated project managers, all of whom are focussed specifically on client delivery, and have scientific experience and technical expertise in fields relevant to their assigned projects.
For further information concerning commercial enterprise opportunities at SAMS, please contact SAMS Enterprise by email ( or phone +44 (0) 1631 559 470.
Employment history
Since Oct 2023: Senior Lecturer in Coastal Restoration and Blue Carbon at SAMS
2000-23: Reader in Geoinformatics and Biogeography. University of Brighton
1990-93: Estate Ranger. West Ridden Private Country Estate
1987-90: Motor Technician. BMW
2001 PGCert Academic Practice. University of Brighton
2000 PhD. Landscape Ecology and GIS. University of Brighton
1997 BSc (Hons) First Class. Environmental Sciences. University of Brighton