I hope to build on the experience and expertise of the SAMS seaweed farm focussing on operational and environmental performance and strategic planning, making us the trail blazer in this for the emergent industry.
Employment history
2 years - PA and Governance duties. JNCC
6 years - Head of environment committee local council. Community of Lucinges and agglomeration council
6 years - Board member (HSE council) social enterprise (re-insertion). Les Brigades verts du Genevois
7 years - Teaching fellow contract researcher, environmental consultant. University of Aberdeen
5 years - Rewilding project manager. Gabon Vert, Gabon
1 year - Protocol optimisation method development biological control project - EMBRAPA - CPATSA, Juazeiro. Brazil
2002 MScRes Environmental microbiology. University of Aberdeen
1996 MSc Biology. Wageningen University and Reseach
1993 BSc(hons) Biological laboratory technology. Hogeschool van Amsterdam
Defra Evidence Statement ME5120
Other research outputs:
SAGES/Edinburgh Climate Change Institute consultancy for One Cherry social enterprise start up (2019). (article here)
Current Projects
Setting up of a Biological Recording HUB for the North and West of Scotland
Fieldwork experience
International fieldwork experience, Brazil, Gabon. France, Scotland
Relevant training course/qualifications
Advanced Power Boat, Crane operator, Yacht master theory, First aid, Oxygen administration and AED, practical rescue management, HSE for SME (France)
Outreach Experience
Events organising for local and regional environmental-themed events, seminars, demos, school labs, round the table discussions and actions. 10 tonnes of waste removed from mountain streams in France in 10 years of action. Asssited 10 day ghostnet removal expeditions on the North Sea. Supported Dutch Maritime Productions in the making of the “Wild North Sea”.
Teaching Experience
Oil and Gas Enetrprise management (lecturer, second marker and mentor)
Hydrocarbon enterprise (lecturer)
Benthic ecology field work assistant undergrads.
Organic chemistry practical assistant for medical first years
Plant taxonomy field work assistant undergrads
HSE at work for SME (consultant)
Fresh water labs for primary schools (lead)
Entomology labs for primary schools (lead)
Business development (Eco- startups)
Carbon consulting and management of change