Made possible thanks to a £199k grant from The Coop Group and Co-Op Foundation's £3.5m Carbon Innovation Fund, SAMS will be joining forces with two other leading Scottish research institutes – the Environmental Research Institute (ERI) and Scotland's Rural College (SRUC) – investigating the potential of marine wastes as resources to both filter water and to fertilise land.
Green shoots from blue growth is an exciting new partnership project designed to reduce and repurpose “waste” products; diverting material from ending up in landfill and giving them a whole new purpose. The aim is to add value to the growing levels of aquaculture and fishery waste, whilst reducing reliance on synthetically produced or mined fertilisers, and enhancing blue-to-green circularity in the food system.
Find out more about the project here and learn more about the Carbon Innovation Fund and all the other funded projects here.