SAMS news room

SAMS glider launched

Last week, scientists from SAMS have deployed a Seaglider off the West coast of Scotland. Talisker is the first glider to be deployed in British waters, and is going to travel across the Rockall Trough and back, profiling the ocean down to a thousand meters. It is an autonomous vehicle, travelling on its own (although closely monitored and directed by the "pilots" back at the laboratory!) and sending its data daily to SAMS. For more details about our glider, please have a look at its project page.

The data collected (temperature, salinity, oxygen concentration, etc) will be added to the 35 years-long Ellett Line project dataset, and will help scientists monitor changes in North-Atlantic waters.

The launch of Talisker represents SAMS latest advance that keeps it at the fore front of Institutions monitoring conditions in the North Atlantic - a tradition that started with Dave Ellett in 1975.

A webpage to follow Talisker's progress and see real-time data will be available shortly.


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