Dr Anuschka Miller

        Head of Comms Anuschka Miller in Rome

Head of Communications

A marine biogeochemist by background, I have been specialising since 2001 in how best to communicate with different audiences about the marine environment, research and conservation.

I have developed and now lead the SAMS communications team that delivers web development, media relations, filmmaking, social media, publications, branding, marketing, public engagement, event management and some internal communication functions.

Committed to ocean literacy and conservation, I have also conceptualised, developed and now direct the Ocean Explorer Centre and events such as Oban's Festival of the Sea. I also facilitate sci-art initiatives at SAMS.

Finally, I teach science communication.

Contact details:
  • Anuschka.Miller@sams.ac.uk
  • +44 (0)1631 559300
  • +44 (0)7786 327780

  • Orcid

  • Linkedin
  • ladyoftheloch

I am currently involved in the following projects:

  • Genesis. A climate engagement project funded by the Scottish Government (2024-5)
  • Our World From Space. An Association of Science and Discovery Centres project funded by the UK Space Agency and the UKRI's Natural Environment Research Council
  • Developing an Ocean Explorer STEM Hub for Argyll and Bute schools (under development)


Major past projects

  • >Marine Protected Area Management and Monitoring (MarPAMM): WP 2 leader 'Communications and Outreach'. A project supported by the European Union's INTERREG VA Programme, managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB). 2018-2022.
  • >The European Marine Biological Research Centre (EMBRC-ERIC): UK Node Communications Group (Chair). Funded by EU H2020. 
  • >Investigation of the novel challenges of an integrated offshore multi-purpose platform (INNO-MPP): WP9 Cross-projects-countries collaborations, stakeholder networking, dissemination. Funded by EPSRC. 2017-20
  • >Blueprint / Future of Our Seas. Funded by NERC. 2017-18
  • >Oban - University Town. Local community partnership project
  • >Ireland, Northern Ireland, Scotland Hydrographic Survey (INIS Hydro). Funded by EU's INTERREG IVA programme, managed by SEUPB. 2011-14. Communications lead
  • >Development of the Ocean Explorer Centre. This visitor and outreach centre for SAMS was made possible by charitable donations from 12 donors, the largest being the Robertson Trust. Opened 2014


BSc (Hons) Marine Science: lecturing on a variety of modules including Marine Conservation, Polar Seas, Behaviour and Biological Clocks

BSc (Hons) Marine Science: H3 Marine Conservation - lecturer

I was the first module leader also for BSc (Hons) Marine Science H2 Marine Biology, H2 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and H3 Marine Zoology and lectured on a now defunct module in Sediment Processes. Until 2021 I was module leader for the H4 Science Communication module.

I also deliver short training courses in various aspects of science communication as well as 1-2 day masterclasses at postgraduate level.


Alumni research students

Sam Wilson, PhD 2007: The production of biogenic trace gases in the marine environment. Co-supervisor

Sarah Cresswell, BSc (Hons) Marine Science 2012: Supervisor

Kate Shilliday, BSc (Hons) Marine Science 2017: European attitudes towards marine pollution from hormonal contraception and potential mitigation strategies. Supervisor

Ethan Lakeman, MSc Ecosystem-based Management of Marine Ecosystems 2018: An Investigation into the Communication Strategies of Environmental Profiles: Recommendations to Increase Content Exposure. Supervisor

Selected invited talks 

15 May 2018: An amateur's introduction to environmental ethics. Argyll Iona Community

13 Feb 2018: Blue Planet Scotland: Stories from below the waves. Kilmartin Museum

24 June 2017: Ocean case notes - the state of marine conservation. Expressing the Earth Conference

18 January 2017: The challenges of communicating science and expert information in a 'post-factual' world. Coastal Futures Conference

25 May 2015: Living on the coast of the great Atlantic Ocean. 1st invited speaker at the Atlantic Islands Centre


Selection of public engagement / outreach products

Oban, Lorn and the Isles Festival of the Sea: 2010 - 2016

Development of Marine Science Badge for Girlguiding Scotland



2015 Faraday Club membership for lifelong services to science communication (awarded at Orkney Science Festival)


Professional memberships

Royal Society of Biology: Member

Chartered Institute of Public Relations: Member

Higher Education Academy: Fellow

Employment history

Since 2008 Head of Communications. Since 2013 also Director, Ocean Explorer Centre. SAMS

2001-2008 Lecturer in Marine Life Sciences and Activities Manager. SAMS

1999-2004 Tutor (part-time). University of Glasgow: developing first online marine biology course

1999-2001 Scientific translator. InOtherWords



2000 PhD 'Methane in temperate coastal environments'. University of Wales, Bangor

1998 Diploma in Translation. Institute of Linguistics, UK

1994 MSc Marine Resource Development and Protection. Heriot-Watt University

1993 BSc (Hons) Marine Biology - 1st class. University of Wales, Bangor

1991 Vordiplom Biologie - sehr gut. Freie Universität Berlin. Also studying Philosophy