• Several limpets marked with red and bearing green tags ready for behavioural study


European Marine Biological Resource Centre

The European Marine Biological Research Centre (EMBRC) is a research Infrastructure of pan-European relevance (ERIC).  Part of the ESFRI roadmap since 2008, it is designed to further fundamental and applied marine biology and ecology research.  EMBRC operators include renowned marine biological stations and institutes across Europe and associated countries.

EMBRC-ERIC, with its academic and technical specialists, will become the major European provider of marine biological research platforms and related services, championing the future sustainable exploitation of marine biological resources.  Through networking and collaborative research, the EMBRC will contribute to Blue Growth in Europe: encouraging improved exploitation of marine resources as well as the development of medicines (anti-cancer), blue energies (fuel made from algae) and many other end-products from the sea.

By opening access to an unprecedented catalogue of marine research infrastructure and expertise, EMBRC-ERIC supports the international marine science community.  Areas of research supported by the EMBRC-ERIC include:

Biodiversity and ecosystem function
Developmental biology
Biogeochemistry and global change
Marine products and resources
Biomedical science

EMBRC-ERIC also supports small and medium enterprises and larger private sector companies, making marine organisms, model ecosystems and the expertise associated with their study available to all.

SAMS is one of the infrastructure service providers. 

Users can apply to undertake research projects drawing upon a catalogue of SAMS services and facilities, and in collaboration with our scientists.

SAMS Director Professor Nick Owens currently chairs the UK node's steering committee, and Dr Anuschka Miller the UK node's communications group.