Current research projects
SSF-HAB - Real-time modelling and prediction of harmful algal blooms to minimise their impact on finfish aquaculture. Funded by SAIC. 2021-24.
AGRI-SATT: Agricultural Growth using Remote-sensing, IoT, Satellite and Autonomous Telecomm and Technology: We contribute to developing of the real-time upwelling forecasting system to stimulate natural micro-algae growth at the world-largest AI-automated zero-emission protein production site. Funded by Innovate UK. 2020-23.
SMARTEX: Seabed Mining And Resilience To EXperimental impact. This project aims to better understand and predict the consequences of mining activities on the ecosystem in the Pacific abyss using a range of mathematical models. 2021-25
CAMPUS: Combining Autonomous observations and Models for Predicting and Understanding Shelf seas: This project aims to deliver an improved evidence-base for ecosystem-based marine management and to identify a cost-effective optimised observing network. Funded by NERC. 2018-21. More...
COMPASS: Hydrodynamic modelling in Irish and Scottish waters to understand population connectivity for marine protected areas, focused on developing the management of the MPA network. Funded by EU INTERREG VA. 2017-21
OFF-AQUA: Evaluating the Environmenal Conditions Required for the Development of Offshore Aquaculture). To investigate the potential for larger farms with reduced interconnectivity and lower environmental impact we use enhanceed resolution hydrodynamic modelling, precise in-situ measurements and biological sampling across the range of sheltered and more dispersive open sea environments. 2018-21
PRIMROSE: Predicting Risk & Impact of Harmful Events on the Aquaculture Sector. The project strengthens risk management and early warning system for the predication harmful algal blooms and associated biotoxins in the Atlantic Arc area. Funded by EU Interreg Atlantic Arc. 2017-20
Selected past projects
AquaSpace: Ecosystem approach to making space for aquaculture: developing hydrodynamic model WeStCOMS. Funded by EU H2020. 2015-18
ShellEye: Satellite-based water quality bulletins for shellfish farms to support management decisions. Funded by BBSRC and NERC. 2017-18
Windy HABs: minimizing the risk of harm to aquaculture and human health from advective harmful algal blooms through early warning (Windy HABS): Funded by BBSRC and NERC. 2015-17
MIDAS: Managing impacts of deep-sea resource exploitation: Funded by EU FP7 with €9M. 2014-16
ASIMUTH: Adaptive grid model to simulate transport and distribution of harmful algal blooms: Funded by EU FP7. 2011-13
HYPOX: In situ monitoring of oxygen depletion in hypoxic ecosystems of coastal, open seas and land-locked water bodies (HYPOX): Funded by EU FP7. 2009-13
FASTNEt: Fuxes across sloping topography of the North East Atlantic: Funded by NERC. 2013-15 | More...
MultiMARCAP: A versatile platform for multidisciplinary marine computing applications : Samhanach - high performance computer cluster at SAMS. Funded by NERC Big Data equipment. 2014
North-MINCH: Hydrodynamic model of the west coast of Scotland for sea lice dispersal studies: Funded by European Fishery Fund and Marine Scotland Science. 2013-14
Flow over topography (NERC Oceans 2025 theme 2.7). Funded by NERC. 2010-12
SESAME: Southern European Seas: Assessing and Modelling Ecosystem changes. Funded by EU FP6. 2007-08
BSERP: Black Sea ecosystem recovery project: Funded by UNDP GEF. 2004-07
Peer-reviewed publications
Szewczyk TM, Morro B, Díaz-Gil C, Gillibrand PA, Hardwick JP, Davidson K, Aleynik D, Rey Planellas S (2023) Interactive effects of multiple stressors with significant wave height exposure on farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) welfare along an inshore-offshore gradient. Aquaculture 579: 740184.
Lavender, E., Aleynik, D., Dodd, J. et al.(2022). Benthic animal-borne sensors and citizen science combine to validate ocean modelling. Reports. 12, 16613.
Allison, N.L., Dale, A., Turrell, W.R., Aleynik, D., Narayanaswamy, B.E. (2022). Simulating the distribution of beached litter on the northwest coast of Scotland. Environ. Sci.-Toxicology, Pollution and the Environment,
Lavender, E., Aleynik, D., Dodd, J., Illian, J., James, M., Wright, P.J. et al. (2022). Movement patterns of a Critically Endangered elasmobranch (Dipturus intermedius) in a Marine Protected Area. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 32(2), 348– 365.
Lavender, E., Aleynik, D., Dodd, J. et al. (2021). Environmental cycles and individual variation in the vertical movements of a benthic elasmobranch. Marine Bioogy, 168, 164
Corrochano-Fraile, A., Adams T.P., Aleynik, D., Bekaert, M. and Carboni, S. (2022). Predictive biophysical models of bivalve larvae dispersal in Scotland. Mar. Sci.9:985748,
Simon-Lledó, E., Bett, B.J., Benoist, N.M.A., Hoving, H.-J., Aleynik, D., Horton, T., and Jones, D.O.B. (2023). Mass Falls of Crustacean Carcasses Link Surface Waters and the Deep Seafloor. Ecology,104(2): e3898.
Davidson, K., Whyte, C., Aleynik, D., Dale, A., Kurekin, A., Mcneill, S., Miller, P., Porter, M. & Saxon, R., (2021). HABreports: Online early warning of harmful algal and biotoxin risk for the shellfish and finfish aquaculture industries. Frontiers in Marine Science. 8:631732
Allison NL, Dale A, Turrell WR, Aleynik D and Narayanaswamy BE (2022) Simulating the distribution of beached litter on the northwest coast of Scotland. Front. Environ. Sci. 10:940892.
Lavender E, Aleynik D, Dodd J, Illian J, James M, Wright PJ, Smout S, Thorburn J (2021) Movement patterns of a Critically Endangered elasmobranch (Dipturus intermedius) in a Marine Protected Area. Aquatic Conservation, 32 (2): 348-365.
Findlay CR, Aleynik D, Farcas A, Merchant ND, Risch D, Wilson B. (2021) Auditory impairment from acoustic seal deterrents predicted for harbour porpoises in a marine protected area. J. Appl Ecol.; 00:1–12. doi:10.1111/1365-2664.13910
Davidson K, Whyte C, Aleynik D, Kurekin A, Gontarek S, McNeill S, Miller PI, Porter M, Saxon R, Swan S (2021) HABreports: Online early warning of harmful algal and biotoxin risk for the Scottish shellfish and finfish aquaculture industries. Frontiers in Marine Science
Stevens, T., Mee, L., Friedrich, J., Aleynik, D. and G. Minicheva (2019) Partial recovery of macro-epibenthic assemblages on the north-west shelf of the Black Sea. Front. Mar. Sci. - Marine Conservation and Sustainability.
Aleynik, D., Inall, M. E., Dale, A. & Vink, A. (2017) Impact of remotely generated eddies on plume dispersion at abyssal mining sites in the Pacific. Scientific Reports 7, 16959,
Aleynik, D. Davidson, K., Dale A. C., Porter, M. (2016) A high resolution hydrodynamic model system suitable for novel harmful algal bloom modelling in areas of complex coastline and topography. Harmful Algae, 53(3):102–117, 10.1016/j.hal.2015.11.012
Adams T., Black K., Aleynik D. (2016) Temporal variability in sea lice population connectivity and implications for regional management protocol, Aquaculture Environment Interactions,8: 585–596, 10.3354/aei00203
Porter, M., Inall, M. E, Hopkins, J., Palmer, M., Dale, A., Aleynik, D., Barth, J., Mahaffey, C., Smeed, D. (2016). Glider observations of enhanced deep water upwelling at a shelf break canyon: a mechanism for cross-slope carbon and nutrient exchange, J. Geophys. Res. Oc.,121(10): 7,575-7,588 10.1002/2016JC012087
Vlasenko, V., N. Stashchuk, M. E. Inall, M. Porter, and D. Aleynik (2016) Focusing of baroclinic tidal energy in a canyon, J. Geophys. Res. Oc., 121(4): 2,824-2,840, 10.1002/2015JC011314
Sherwin, T.J., Aleynik, D., Dumont, E. and M. E. Inall (2015). Deep drivers of mesoscale circulation in the central Rockall Trough, Ocean Sci., 11(3), 343-359, 10.5194/os-11-343-2015.
Stashchuk, N., Vlasenko, V., Inall, M.E, and D. Aleynik (2014). Horizontal dispersion in shelf seas: high resolution modelling as an aid to sparse sampling. Progress in Oceanography, 128, 74–87, 10.1016/j.pocean.2014.08.007
Atamanchuk, D., Tengberg, A., Aleynik, D., Fietzek, P., Shitashima, K., Lichtschlag, A., Hall, P.O.J., Stahl, H. (2015). Detection of CO2 leakage from a simulated sub-seabed storage site using three different types of pCO2 sensors. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control, 38:121-134, 10.1016/j.ijggc.2014.10.021
Friedrich J., Janssen F., Aleynik D., Stahl, H., et al (2014). Investigating hypoxia in aquatic environments: diverse approaches to addressing a complex phenomenon, Biogeosciences, 11:1215-1259, 10.5194/bg-11-1215-2014
Adams, T. P., Aleynik, D.L., Burrows, M. T. (2014). Larval dispersal of intertidal organisms and the influence of coastline geography. Ecography, 37(7): 1–13, 10.1111/j.1600-0587.2013.00259.x
Adams, T. P., Miller, R.G., Aleynik, D.L., Burrows, M. T. (2014) Offshore marine renewable energy devices as stepping stones across biogeographical boundaries. J. of Applied Ecology, 51(2):330–338, 10.1111/1365-2664.12207
Hsieh,Y.-T., Geibert, W., Van-Beek, P., Stahl, H., Aleynik, D., Henderson,G.M. (2013). Using the radium quartet (228Ra,226Ra, 224Ra and 223Ra) to estimate water mixing and radium inputs in Loch Etive, Scotland. Limnol. Oceanogr., 58(3):1089-1102, 10.4319/lo.2013.58.3.1089
Inall, M., Aleynik, D., Neil, C. (2013). Horizontal Advection and Dispersion in a Stratified Shelf 1 Sea: The role of Inertial Oscillations, Progress in Oceanography, 117: 25–36, 10.1016/j.pocean.2013.06.008
Inall, M., Aleynik, D., Boyd, T., Palmer, M., and Sharples, J. (2011). Internal Tide coherence and decay over a wide Shelf Sea, Geophys. Res. Let. 38(6), 10.1029/2011GL049943
Shapiro, G.I., Wobus, F., Aleynik, D.L. (2011). Seasonal and inter-annual temperature variability in the bottom waters over the Black Sea shelf. Ocean Sci., 7:585-596, 10.5194/os-7-585-2011
Shapiro, G.I., Aleynik, D.L., and Mee, L.D. (2010). Long term trends in the sea surface temperature of the Black Sea, Ocean Sci., 6:491-501, 10.5194/os-6-491-2010
Ivchenko, V.O., Wells, N.C., Aleynik, D.L., and A.G.P Shaw (2010). Variability of heat and salinity content in the North Atlantic in the last decade, Ocean Sci., 6:719-735, 10.5194/os-6-719-2010
Ivchenko V.O., Danilov, S., Sidorenko, D., Schroeter, J., Wenzel, M. and D.L. Aleynik, (2008). Steric height variability in the Northern Atlantic on seasonal and inter-annual scales. J. Geophys. Res., 113: C11007, 10.1029/2008JC004836
Aleynik, D.L., Shapiro, G.I., Mee, L.D., E.M. Lemeshko, (2007). Velocity measurements in the Black Sea using a Lowered Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (LADCP), Oceanology, 47(1):127-134, 10.1134/S0001437007010158
Ivchenko, V.O., N.C. Wells and D.L. Aleynik, (2006). Anomaly of heat content in the Northern Atlantic in the last 7 years: is the ocean warming or cooling? Geophys. Res. Let., 33: L22606, 10.1029/2006GL027691
Ivanov, V.V., Shapiro, G.I., Aleynik D.L., Huthnance, J.M. and P.N. Golovin, (2004). Cascades of Dense Water Around the World Ocean. Progress in Oceanography, 60(1):47-98, 10.1016/j.pocean.2003.12.002
Lukashin,V. N. , Aleinik, D. L., Isaeva, A. B. , Lein, A. Yu. and G. M. Vinogradov, (2004). Geochemistry of a Neutrally Buoyant Plume above the Rainbow Hydrothermal Field and Related Fluxes of Sedimentary Material. Geochemistry International, 42(5): 414–427 r285201975
Aleinik, D. L., Byshev V. I., and V. G. Neiman, (2003). The Nature of Low-Frequency Variation of Water Structure in the North Atlantic. Doklady Earth Sciences, 393(8), 1165–1169.
Goncharov, V.V., Chepurin, Yu.A. & D.L.Aleinik, (2003).Experimental Study of an Intrathermocline Mediterranean Water Lens and Possibilities of Its Remote Detection. Izvestiya, Atm and Oc Physics. 39(5), 614–623.
Aleinik, D. L., V. I. Byshev, and A. D. Shcherbinin, (2002). Water Dynamics in the Norwegian Sea at the Site of the Accident of the Komsomolets Nuclear Submarine. Okeanologiya, 42(1), 11–21.
Aleinik, D. L., V. N. Lukashin, A. Yu. Lein and I. A. Filippov, (2001). Water Structure in the Rainbow Rift Valley and Hydrothermal Plume. Okeanologiya 41(5), 660–673.
Aleynik, D.L., (1998).The structure and evolution of a meddy and the Azores frontal zone in autumn 1993.Oceanologiya,38(3):349-360
Other publications
Aleynik D, Adams T, Davidson K, Dale A, Porter M, Black K, Burrows M (2017) Biophysical modeling of marine organisms: fundamentals and applications to management of coastal waters. Environmental Management of Marine Ecosystems. Edited by Md. Nazrul Islam & Sven Erik Jorgensen CRC press ISBN 9781498767729 pp 65-98
Aleynik D. (SAMS), 2017, West Scottish Coastal Ocean Modelling System and Environment Impact Studies. MASTS 6th Annual Science Meeting, 19-21 October 2016
Aleynik D.L., B.N. Filyushkin, E.A. Plakhin: Generation of the Mediterranean Lenses on the Continental Slope of the Gulf of Cadiz. In Oceanic Fronts and Related Phenomena (K. Fedorov Memorial Symposium), Pushkin, 1998. Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission Workshop Report No. 159. ISBN 5-89118-155-X.
Chapters in Books
Aleynik, D., Adams, T, and K. Davidson, (2022). Optimizing the Connectivity of Salmon Farms Role of Exposure to Wind, Tides, and Isolation. in: Global Blue Economy: Analysis, Developments, and Challenges (1st ed.). Eds.: Islam, M.N., Bartell, S.M. CRC Press, USA. p.488. Pp.61-86
Aleynik D., Adams T., Davidson, K., Dale, A., Porter, M., Black, K. and M. Burrows (2017). Biophysical modelling of marine organisms: fundamentals and applications to management of coastal waters. Chapter 20 in Book: ‘Environmental Management of Marine Ecosystems’, Environmental Management Marine Ecosystems Edited by Md. N. Islam and S. E. Jorgensen. P.850. Taylor and Francis CRC Press, USA. ISBN: 978-1-4987-6772-9. Pp 65-98.
Other research outputs
WeStCOMS - Operational modelling Forecasts System presentation at 6th annual MASTS science meeting
FVCOM-WeStCOMS currents 3D-visualisation*
Loch Etive FVCOM dye release and sampling*
(* with acknowledgements to Dr Sam Jones, SAMS)
Consultancy and industry experience
Our regional weather and ocean hydrodynamic forecasts are based on the West Scotland Coastal Ocean Modelling System (WeStCOMS). Since 2015 it is running in operational mode on a Samhanach High Performance Computing Cluster and accessible via SAMS data services. WeStCOMS was developed by Dr Dmitry Aleynik with financial support from multiple academic research funding sources. This unprecedented high horizontal and temporal resolution modelling product is capable of delivering in real time a precise and substantially reliable basis to contribute to regional sustainable growth in the marine economy sector, aligned with environmental impact assessment studies, natural hazards and rescue respond and mitigation measures.
Recently, SAMS has been engaged to provide information to accompany planning applications for a new and expansion of existing fish farm sites, increasing production capacity of well-established distillery plant and developing of the operational early warning harmful algae prediction system for regional aquaculture industry.
Accessing consultancy services from SAMS
SAMS consultancy work is delivered through its wholly owned commercial subsidiary, SAMS Enterprise. SAMS Enterprise operates a comprehensive Quality Management System (QMS) that is accredited to ISO9001:2008 standard, guaranteeing that all projects deliver the best possible service to our customers. All SAMS Enterprise projects are planned by a professional programme manager who oversees a team of dedicated project managers, all of whom are focussed specifically on client delivery, and have scientific experience and technical expertise in fields relevant to their assigned projects.
For further information concerning commercial enterprise opportunities at SAMS, please contact SAMS Enterprise by email ( or phone +44 (0) 1631 559 470.
Marine Science BSc: Marine Modelling 4th year module - module leader
List of alumni research students
Meghan Rochford: Knowledge Transfer Partnership MSc project. 2016-17. Funded by Marine Harvest Ltd and KTP Scotland
Professional activities
MASTS Numerical Hydrodynamic Modelling Forum: steering group member
EGU member since 1998
Peer-review / scientific evaluation for the following journals (since 1999): Geophysical Research Letters; Ocean Science; Fundamental and Applied Hydrophysics; Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics; Ocean Dynamics; Harmful Algae; Oceanologiya; Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science; Ocean Modelling; Deep Sea Research I
Peer-review / scientific evaluation: IPCC-ARS and National Science Foundation, USA 2003-2020
Organiser of the annual UK-wide modelling community seminar 'The 5th summer UK-FVCOM workshop' 17-18 Nov 2014 at SAMS
The 35th SFMM (Scottish Fluid Mechanics Meeting), 26th May 2022, at SAMS, lead member of Organizing Committee
International Global HABs Modeling workshop, 9-13 May 2022, Glasgow, member of the Organizing and Strategic Committee
Relevant research expeditions
Over 15 cruises in the North Atlantic and Arctic Ocean
Prizes and awards
2008-09: EU Erasmus Mundus Scholarship for visiting the Centro de Ciencias de la Atmósfera / Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México
1997-2001: The Young Scientist Project Award, Russian Academy of Science
1998: Talented Young PhD Scientists Fellowship, Russian Academy of Science
Employment history
Since 2020: Principal Investigator in Physical Oceanography. SAMS, UK
2009-2020: Research Fellow in Physical Oceanography. SAMS, UK
2004-09: Postdoctoral Research Assistant. School of Earth, Ocean and Environmental Sciences. University of Plymouth, UK
1998-2004: Research Scientist. Shirshov’ Institute of Oceanology. Academy of Sciences. Moscow, Russia
1998 PhD in Physical Oceanography. Shirshov’ Institute of Oceanology. Academy of Sciences. Moscow, Russia
1992 Master in Physical Oceanography. Lomonosov’ Moscow State University. Moscow, Russia