Baltic Blue Biotechnology Alliance
ALLIANCE is a blue biotechnology project addressing the challege how to realise the great potential of the Baltic Seas Region for a biobased economy (pharmaceuticals, biofuels, food etc) and how to get blue biotechnology products market ready.
The project aims to develop and implement optimal transnational product development chains.
ALLIANCE experts from research, public adminstrations, business parks and private consulting companies form a functioning network of actors matching users to the services, facilities and experts they need to take their idea to the next level.
The project aims to develop at least five successful cases in which partners helped a case gain what it needs to progress to a fully developed product. ALLIANCE will streamline its overall service offer, connecting actors and resources in the Baltic Seas Region, from case mentoring to finding partners, marketing, legal and financial advice. It also keeps public and private decision-makers informed about developing trends and helps them prioritise actions and investments to meet future demands within the sector.
ALLIANCE aim to create a self-sustaining network.
SAMS, being outside the Baltic Seas Region, is an associate member of the project.